I've been talking quite a bit about frequency weapons on various forums. They seem to be hitting every few weeks. At first I thought they were just blanketing the area I was in, but since others don't always seem to notice I am starting to suspect I may be a targeted individual. This seems insane to me since I am just an individual in no positions of power. Has anyone else had similar experiences? - I notice bad headaches every few weeks around cell towers (I am hoping no one would be evil enough to do stuff like this but being that humanity genocides groups all throughout history I wouldn't be surprised 3 letter agency people would have loose morals.


That being said, if they do actually read comments on obscure forums of TIs:

You 3 letter agency pieces of shit will be destroyed. Your Babylon Kingdom will fall and you will beg for mercy as your soul endures endless torture but no mercy will come. I will never stop fighting for freedom, free will, and most importantly God, in this lifetime or in as many lifetimes as I incarnate on the physical plane.

So i was banned on GAW over a year ago for questioning allowing the thinning of the herd to take place even though "patriots are in control". Like most sane humans i would like to see an end to human trafficing, pedophiles, the fiat banking system, the cabal etc and if the q group can do this more power to them. After reading all the drops over time there is definitely a connection to trump whatever you think about him(seems to be q+) or q.

That being said, they seem to be selling a utopia that cant exist - we cant all manifest everything we want on the physical plane without constraints (this is why both jupiter and saturn exist in the solar system, not just one or the other). Also, I am not so sure i trust that the nsa and military intelligence have the best interests of everyone involved - they clearly have an agenda and claiming themselves to be warriors of God doesnt necessarily make it so (i think they are generally good but still treat us like cattle and dont care what happens to us for "the greater good").

Since this is conspiracy.win, I also wonder if getting rid of our reptilian overlords (or however you view them) will cause physical reality to not work correctly.

Are there any views on Q from any of you that are in between "Q are the saviors of mankind annointed by God himself" or "Q is a pacification larp"?