The last attempt was veto'ed and contained SOPA style language introducing felony crimes for streaming content. So, what did Trump and congress pass and what have we lost?


The reason? Fertility. If the vaccination is similar to what Gates was doing in Africa, then the smart men will start refusing to date females who've gotten the covid jab.


Comment sections are upvoting the idea that the bombing was right wing, but we know that the right is not going to use bombings that destroy businesses and people's lively hoods.

Those who are paying attention know that the right is heavily armed and if pushed will respond with guns, not bombs.

What's even more telling is that the van warned people before exploding. This indicates a desire to protect people but destroy property and business. This is a leftist mindset, not a right mindset.


Pirating Streamed Content to Become Felony

The CASE Act Is Just the Beginning of the Next Copyright Battle

This Disastrous Copyright Proposal Goes Straight to Our Naughty List

US Passes Spending Bill With CASE Act and Felony Streaming Proposal

Start asking questions about how this impacts alt-tech and how it solidifies big tech. Can alt-tech use distributed networks if they're overrun by pirates? Can alt-tech generate revenue when their sites are clogged with prated content? What will be the legal expense of running a node on a distributed network as part of an alt-tech platform like lbry?