big_username43 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know a guy - I forget his rank, but it’s super high, like 3-star general or something. He said he was stationed out in Nevada once and was at Area 51 when they were all ordered to go inside. He delayed obeying the order, and saw some sort of aircraft that flew from horizon to horizon in under 2 seconds (out in the flat desert, so we’re talking a huge visible distance). He said he’d never seen anything like it, and it was going much much faster than anything publicly known, but was obviously a US aircraft given that they were all ordered inside before it flew over. He told me about this 20 years ago, and it happened probably 10 or so before that. So that tech is already 30 years outdated.

big_username43 0 points ago +1 / -1

As I mentioned, we both got new phones and have the same issue on both new phones (iphones).