axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well there's still some good content there, particularly in /new and usually the self posts. It's one of several dozen sources I routinely check, but literally for only a few moments. I spend a small fraction of the time I used to on reddit, thank god, it's like a huge burden has been lifted. I'm still quite stunned how often I'm "blamed" for the current state of "election denying anti-vax" /r/conspiracy as if I had anything to do with that instead of these topics being clearly important conspiracies of our time.

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many will have bumped into Reiner Fuellmich over the past 2 years as one of the more prominent figures reportedly battling against the COVID19 Scamdemic.

Fuellmich is a German lawyer whose firm has reportedly taken on big (read 'Globalist') corporations over the past several decades in the courts of law. In 2019, he had just moved to the United States to retire on a ranch when the Corona plandemic hit.

He moved back to Germany to take up the challenge re: Corona Scam and co-founded the Corona Investigative Committee in Berlin, Germany, with 3 others. Soon after 2 of the other co-founders left the committee due to "irreconcilable differences", and it was left with Viviane Fischer (a Berlin-based lawyer) and Fuellmich.

Together the committee did some 400+ interviews with prominent experts and professionals (see the website link below) looking at THREE core questions:

How dangerous is the Covid19 virus (if it actually exists)?

How reliable and effective are the PCR tests that are used to underpin the idea of a 'pandemic'?

Are there any negative effects of the anti-COVID measures being implemented around the world, such as masking, social distancing, lockdowns, etc?

Recently, a week or so ago, the other co-founder of the CIC - Fischer - went public with accusations against Fuellmich, that he had embezzled funds donated to the committee for public use.

In digging around this, I found the following interview with Irish investigative journalist Gemma O'Doherty(https://gemmaodoherty.com)). After watching most of it, I came to the conclusion that Fuellmich equits himself very well.

https://gemmaodoherty.com/reiner-fuellmich-answers-allegations-of-fraud-against-him-2/ Highlights

Over the course of the interview, Fuellmich clarifies a number of things that make his work and involvement in the Covid scandemic war a lot clearer.

Nuremberg 2.0

In 2020 and 2021, there was lots of talk in the awakening Truth Sphere (Note) about the idea or goal of a Nuremberg 2.0, which according to some reports Fuellmich and his team were going to spearhead.

Accusations against Fuellmich that he is 'controlled opposition', a gatekeeper, etc, have been made on the basis that he (allegedly) promised a whole lot and has delivered none of it after 2 years.

In the interview, he states unequivocally that the CIC was ONLY ever intended to be an investigative committee, to find out the truth, and that it was never intended to bring or create Nuremberg 2.0. That people who put that idea out there were basically saying bullshite.


This is how disinformation works: people spread rumors or disinfo that triggers people's emotional response (we all wanted to see a 2.0 against the bastards that have perpetrated these crimes against humanity) and goes viral. Ideas, concepts and 'understandings' are formed, expectations, opinions, etc., are shaped, and then accusation, disappointment, distrust, discouragement, and so forth are generated.

This is the evil information war in action. The War of Information is also a psychological war, the same war evil Satan and his instruments have been waging against humanity since our ancestors were first deceived, seduced and enslaved in the Garden.

The Money Issues

Reportedly, both he and Fischer were very concerned that the cash funds in the bank could be seized by German Authorities, and so, in order to make the funds held by the CIC (donated by the public) outside the reach of the Authorities, Fuellmich and Fischer both transferred some of the funds into their own private holdings in the form of a loan from the CIC and also purchased gold with another portion of the funds.

According to Fuellmich, Fischer's team or people in Berlin were NOT attending to massive amounts of work required for the committee to run, so with no where else to go, the work was handed over to Fuellmich's firm. They answered some 130,000 emails, 2000+ regular mailings and large number of packages, etc, sent to the committee.

Although the CIC was created with the proviso that Fuellmich, Fischer, etc, would not be paid, the funds were collected to pay other people working for the committee, including translators, staff organizing conferencing, correspondence, etc.

Fuellmich responds to the accusations by clarifying most of these things.


Money is often tied closely to power. The best way to prevent malfeasance or accusation is transparency with public funds. Although it takes some time and listening, in my opinion, Fuellmich makes things quite clear and I was convinced to a reasonable extent that he is really on the up and up.

The Breakup of the CIC

Fuellmich says that the problem really emerged when he told his colleague, Fischer, that he would be returning to the US for a period of time because serious litigation was about to take place there.

He raises an important question: why did this woman go public with these accusations in a manner that triggered disillusion, distrust, etc, in the Committee and in Fuelmich himself? So many people around the world had recognized Fuellmich as a figurehead and champion, and a lot of hope had been pinned on him and his work. Why did she go out with this when it could have been resolved privately?

Fuelmich implies that Fischer is having mental problems.


It seems clear that Fuellmich himself, like so many prominent champions, has undergone his own awakening. Although he specialized in fighting the big Corporations, like Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, etc. he has had to stare certain 'conspiracy theories' in the face and realize that they are far too true. He also appears to have personally come closer to or more aware of God through this process. The CIC

Look at the website. https://corona-investigative-committee.com It is utterly amazing. More than 400 interviews over 123 sessions, with doctors, lawyers, scientists, public servants, activists, etc.

The document section has lots of articles and studies on the THREE core questions, going into detail on Masks, Care Homes (aged), PRivacy, Vaccinations, Economy, Role of Media, etc.

Amazing resource for anyone wanting to seriously look at the Covid Plandemic - especially professionals, etc. Excellent Red Pill information for non-anons and friends of anons who are still asleep about the Covid Hoax.

axolotl_peyotl 9 points ago +10 / -1


It's so bad that if you even mention my user name you will be swarmed with bots and shills saying "BIG MEANIE AXO BANNED ME".

Yeah, I banned the shills, repeatedly, and I have no regrets.

The crazy thing is they try to create this fake reality where I was some sort of "tyrant" who ran the sub at my whim...when literally EVERY moderator action was voted on by the ENTIRE team.

Every single ban given by any /r/conspiracy moderator was scrutinized by the whole mod team, and users that appealed did so again in modmail, in front of everybody.

Every ban given therefore is ultimately decided by the ENTIRE team, not one moderator.

It's clown world levels of insanity that they even attempted to rewrite history to portray me as a tyrant. I was clearly the last thing preventing the sub from being completely infested and overrun.

The truth will come out, stay tuned.

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Executives and upper management positions in the federal government were paid over $190 million in bonuses during the pandemic year of 2021, an Inquiry Of Ministry tabled in the house of commons shows.

According to Blacklocks Reporter, the largest payout went to 295 executives that made up 96 percent of upper management at the department of justice; $17.9 million was allocated among them.

A total of $5.5 million went to the managers at the Office of the Governor General’s Secretary, the Communications Security Establishment, Economic Development for Québec, Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, and Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre.

At 23 other federal departments, 95 percent of the top staff, executives, or those with qualifications above executive received bonuses. This included the departments of heritage, finance, fisheries, foreign affairs, indigenous services, infrastructure, justice, public safety, public works, and transport.

“Canada has a world class public service with employees committed to providing the highest level of service to Canadians,” Treasury Board President Mona Fortier wrote in the inquiry. “In fact, Canada’s public service is regularly recognized globally for its quality and effectiveness.”

The bonuses were referred to as “performance pay.” Fortier said such incentive plans are common among Canadian private and public sector company executives. The inquiry did not provide details about which individuals received payments. Call For Greater Transparency

According to Blacklock’s, “Access To Information records from Crown agencies have identified bonus payments as routine regardless of results.”

In 2020, the Canadian Tourism Commission paid its executives $32,652 each—even though tourism was highly restricted at the height of the pandemic—while laying off 9 percent of its staff.

The CBC paid out $30.4 million in pandemic bonuses and still sought more subsidies. Blacklock’s reported that the public broadcaster paid out $15 million in bonuses in 2020 and $15.4 million the following year, but still complained of being under “immense pressure” and requested $21 million to supplement the annual $1.3 billion government grant it receives.

In a separate article, Blacklock’s reported that on Sept. 27, Sen. Percy Downe proposed an amendment to the Broadcasting Act that would force CBC to disclose the top salaries of announcers and executives. He said anyone who received a salary higher than a senator, who makes $164,500 a year, should have their salary disclosed, and that such transparency would benefit all Canadians.

“We only know that five CBC staff earn between $250,000 and $300,000 with an average salary of $342,000,” Downe said. “No names, no programs.”

Downe said top earners at the British Broadcasting Corporation have a wage disclosure mandate.

“As a public broadcaster largely funded by taxpayers, the CBC has a greater obligation than private broadcasters to be open about how it spends that money,” Downe said in the Senate.

“It’s not fair to ask struggling taxpayers to pay higher taxes so the taxpayer-funded CBC can give itself millions in bonuses and pay raises during a pandemic,” said Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, Postmedia reported.

axolotl_peyotl 1 point ago +1 / -0

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to release the results of autopsies conducted on people who died after getting COVID-19 vaccines.

The FDA says it is barred from releasing medical files, but a drug safety advocate says that it could release the autopsies with personal information redacted.

The refusal was issued to The Epoch Times, which submitted a Freedom of Information Act for all autopsy reports obtained by the FDA concerning any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following COVID-19 vaccination.

Reports are lodged with the system when a person experiences an adverse event, or a health issue, after receiving a vaccine. The FDA and other agencies are tasked with investigating the reports. Authorities request and review medical records to vet the reports, including autopsies.

The FDA declined to release any reports, even redacted copies.

The FDA cited federal law, which enables agencies to withhold information if the agency “reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption,” with the exemption being “personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

Federal regulations also bar the release of “personnel, medical and similar files the disclosure of which constitutes a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

The Epoch Times has appealed the denial, in addition to the recent denial of results of data analysis of VAERS reports.

‘Easily Be Redacted’

Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate who advises the FDA as part of the Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee, said that the reports could be released with personal information blacked out.

“The personal information could easily be redacted without losing the potential learnings from [the] autopsy,” Witczak told The Epoch Times via email.

People make the choice to submit autopsy results to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, Witczak noted.

“If someone submits their experience to VAERS they want and expect to have it investigated by the FDA. This includes autopsy reports,” she said.

Autopsies are examinations of deceased persons performed to determine the cause of death.

“Autopsies can be an important part of postmortem analysis and should be done especially with increased deaths following COVID-19 vaccination,” Witczak said. FDA Responds

An FDA spokesperson noted that deaths following COVID-19 vaccination are rare, citing the number of reports made to VAERS.

As of Sept. 14, 16,516 reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination have been reported. Approximately 616 million doses have been administered in the United States through September.

The spokesperson declined to say whether the FDA would ever release the autopsy results, but pointed to a paper authored by researchers with the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The paper, which has not been peer reviewed, analyzed the approximately 9,800 reports of death to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccination lodged from Dec. 14, 2020, to Nov. 17, 2021. Researchers found that reporting rates were lower than the expected all-cause mortality rates.

“Trends in reporting rates reflected known trends in background mortality rates. These findings do not suggest an association between vaccination and overall increased mortality,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers noted that prior studies have found that adverse events reported to VAERS are an undercount of the true number of events.

axolotl_peyotl 10 points ago +10 / -0

all it took was the jab killing his father. whatever works I guess?

axolotl_peyotl 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's because all "mainstream" scientific journals are compromised. you seem like a legit account until you spread faggotry like this, wtf?

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

The admins publicly accused me of "inciting my community" to go to the Capitol on Jan 6. They told this to multiple MSM outlets which all acknowledged there was no proof. They made it up. The admins clearly knew about the Jan 6 plot and they prepared in advance to remove me in the aftermath when attention would be directed elsewhere. It worked.

They banned me very early in the morning on Jan 7, hours after a Senator complained about "Reddit conspiracies" in Congress.

TMORers claimed they had been in contact with the Senator's staff to pressure the reddit admins to remove me.

there's a MASSIVE story there, and something tells me it will eventually come out.

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

they literally did this with polio...look up the video "smoke and mirrors: the disappearance of polio" by suzanne humphries

axolotl_peyotl 3 points ago +3 / -0

To the folks who say "but we had random deaths and heart attacks in younger people BEFORE covid"

...yes, most of those were caused by poisonous pharmaceuticals and vaccines too.

axolotl_peyotl 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm still triggering them lol and I haven't even posted on reddit for almost 2 years. They're still talking about me constantly, it's creepy.

axolotl_peyotl 8 points ago +8 / -0

Been a while since we've had a stickied doc...this one is worth your time.

We'll start doing regular featured round tables and documentaries again soon, stay tuned!

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