Disclaimer: No Evidence at ALL! This is simply my mind off a couple old fashioned and a nice bong.

Take certain events into consideration:

Trump on video saying “We haven’t finished yet.”

Joe Biden being alleged to have intervened in markets allowing buys of the share.

Robinhood lawsuit, where Citadel is gonna be brought into the mix. (Dominion, Citadel, all these nice gothic sounding words are getting more and more prevalent. Weird)

And all of these comparisons to 2008. Obviously the housing crash is still fresh in our minds so seeing hedge funds losing all their money is poetic justice. But one thing sticking out is a lot if big names involved in the housing crisis are now senior members or board members or ceo’s of these hedge funds.

Could this all be planned? Giuliani said we’d learn everything at once. Could the manipulation of the markets be involved in this too?