Xanvast 7 points ago +7 / -0

The vaccines contain a mix of nanites and brain parasites in cell form with all they need to replicate and grow, that's why they are maintained dormant at -80°C. It's a mind controlling cocktail and also a way to sterilize the populace. The parasite feeds on low vibration emotional gland secretions, the nanotech rewrites the dna and is a sender/receiver of info (think 5G waves). The immune systems were attacked prior to that in every way through food, water, air, drugs, EMFs, heavy metals, stress, fear... so that they have the fertile ground for the takeover/extermination.

Xanvast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was creating a compilation of screenshots that were sent to me in order to provide you with a reply and I ended up sharing it with the board so here is my post : https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNBzRwnM/a-couple-of-accounts-on-the-effe/c/

Xanvast 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's simple this AI nanobot injection is made to sever the connection between the soul and the body. There is actually nobody home anymore like you are saying...

by pkvi
Xanvast 3 points ago +3 / -0

That was a very short sum up, bacteria are not ruled out by any means.

by pkvi
Xanvast 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's all about toxicities and the body reacting to it.

From Rashid Buttar "heavy metal toxicity, persistent organic pollutants (such as being exposed to harmful chemicals), opportunistics (such as bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, yeast, etc.), energetics (such as microwaves, EMF, etc.), emotional psychological toxicity, food (not what we are eating but what we do to food such as homogenization, pasteurization, genetic modification, irradiation, etc.), and spiritual toxicity"

Viruses are not a thing. It's a response to cell toxicity called exosomes.

They are attacking our immune system (energy field) every way possible, that is key.

Xanvast 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know this playlist from newearth but no I didn't watch it, I watched other channels/videos. The best information out there in my opinion you'd get it here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSQv7YVDKIFOON0ChJPSKHCOAdgw8OvHp It is general and touches everything to get the big picture, you'll have other more specialized content channels recommended in the videos. To open up your abilities you need to raise your vibrations first, and then use your thoughts/imagination and intent to activate your dna and manifest what you want, like changing your body. You'll have to master emotion also because I am pretty cut off on that front and my results are therefore limited.

Xanvast 1 point ago +1 / -0

This place was the garden of eden at one point but it was taken over by a malevolent force that progressively made it into the hellhole it is now. Humans were very psychic and connected to nature, it was a place of bliss and freedom where creativity and beauty ruled. This place was unified and there were no wars. The invaders destroyed the peaceful civilization that was here which forced them to flee outside this realm or underground. They started manipulating our DNA to shrink us down, disconnect and neutralize our pituitary/pineal glands, separate our brains into two lobes and all in all make us into the docile servile slaves that we became at the turn of the millenium. With each cycle when the people would get too close to wake up, they would create a reset event. Then civilization would restart on the ruins and leftovers of the previous one with less and less knowledge and further from the starting point. Giants and smaller sized cohabited until the former got wiped out of history. Now most are lost and forgot who they are, think they come from apes and slaves, they believe that they need the controllers to survive and tell them what to do, provide for them and that they are weak, that a non existent virus will get them so they have to get injected with nanites to be saved... All this leads towards their goal of total enslavement of the human mind, into deeper levels of matrix control, with the endgame being connection to the cloud and AI hive mind. Why ? We are creator beings and they are just parasites using our abilities to distort reality and create the one they want. What they want is a reliable locked in feeding ground of negativity (their vibration) and this would provide it for them indefinitely. We spirit beings in human form are connected to the source of creation, we have an infinite supply of energy while the dark beings are severed from it and have to use us as batteries to survive. Just a quick sum up without getting into too much detail.

Xanvast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately I'm too lazy to make a well documented worthy post but you'll find a lot of research demonstrating that we are in fact de-evolving and past civilizations were much more advanced/intelligent/knowledgeable and had clean free energy. This is evidenced by the megalithic structures that they left us that we can't reproduce and that are clearly made for giants ("cathedrals" are one of the best examples just look at the doors, also what about our "junk" DNA ?). Our His story was totally made up into an inversion of what really was to serve their psychopathic agenda and make us accept our current servitude which really is a fairly new thing. A lot of it is buried underground or submerged. Book burnings and wars were mostly about erasing the past. If you want to start learning about it then use the keywords Mudflood, Tartaria, Civilization Reset, Petrification, Melted buildings and Antiquitech. Stolen History is also a good place to visit.

Xanvast 4 points ago +4 / -0

What about the fact that humans don't come from apes but were genetically manipulated ? Actually humans were on their way to become apes and the current events reveal it clearly. It's all linked anyway.

Xanvast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes of course not, I meant on the Fox banner.

Xanvast 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's well about time we call them by their real names : World Disease Organisation, Centers for Disease Spreading...

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