Refer to prior question
Some of those aren't so bad.
Bamboo cellulose, for example. Filler but not really anything bad.
How does Biden's wrinkly dick taste?
Damned whores.
Have we, as a country, learned ours?
Low hanging fruit post.
I know too many people who got the vaccine no matter how much I fought them on it.
The fearmongering and carrot dangling is working more than expected.
No incumbent ever gains this many votes and gets "crushed".
If you think a guy that lives in his basement and didn't campaign won legitimately then I have a bridge for you to jump off of so you can avoid tainting the gene pool with your inability to think critically.
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To imply Israel is in the wrong on returning aggression with aggression is inherently silly.
Also this whole thing is a product of the usurpation of the U.S. presidency.