WrestlingWithFreedom -7 points ago +2 / -9

You fucking pussy assed racist bitch. Get over yourself and stop being so afraid of everything. What a dumbass take on life. Get fucked asshole.

WrestlingWithFreedom -2 points ago +1 / -3

Sometimes people are hated for good reasons. He was a divisive despicable political millionaire shill who preached hate and intolerance daily.

WrestlingWithFreedom -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ok we're using fake words now, you're a gelibial conjurimon.

WrestlingWithFreedom -4 points ago +1 / -5

My sympathies go out to cancer during this trying time.

WrestlingWithFreedom -4 points ago +1 / -5

The word you're looking for is scourge. When arguing, it is better to do so from a position of intelligence, which you seem to be lacking.

WrestlingWithFreedom -5 points ago +1 / -6

He would read out the names of gay men who died of aids then play celebration music on his radio show. The guy was an inhuman piece of trash.

WrestlingWithFreedom -7 points ago +1 / -8

He used to read out a list of names of gay people who died of aids and then play celebration music at the end.

Educate yourself you ignorant fucking individual. They hated him because he was a giant piece of fucking shit.

WrestlingWithFreedom -3 points ago +1 / -4

Can you please explain in 20 words what white culture is exactly?

WrestlingWithFreedom -3 points ago +1 / -4

Can you please explain in 20 words what white culture is exactly?

WrestlingWithFreedom -1 points ago +1 / -2

Case and point. Your community is full of shitty people like you.

WrestlingWithFreedom -1 points ago +1 / -2

To add to this, why am I here then? Well, I like to challenge my ideas and see the other side of arguments, even if I don't believe them. There's so much propaganda out there, including a lot of what's posted here, but I try to see both sides.

People here will call me brainwashed by the msm, but it's not that, I don't believe the msm exclusively. It's possible to come to a different conclusion with the same info without being brainwashed. Everyone is influenced by outside force ffs, it's insulting to be called brainwashed all the time when "you're" just as brainwashed as me.

WrestlingWithFreedom 1 point ago +3 / -2

Your mother is also experiencing a beef shortage.

WrestlingWithFreedom -3 points ago +1 / -4

This place will never grow past what it is because it has some of the most unwelcoming and closed minded individuals I've ever seen. Say anything against Trump and you're immediately called a shill faggot and told to go back to reddit.

Immaturity like this breeds into a slumhole that your average person will never want to be a part of, thus completing the echo chamber that, let's be honest, was the goal anyways.

WrestlingWithFreedom -1 points ago +2 / -3

I got banned for talking bad about Daddy Trump but you can call people faggots all day long.

EDIT: It was a 7 day ban for this.... lol

"It is alarming. He's a delusional manipulative narcissist fraud."

WrestlingWithFreedom -2 points ago +1 / -3

Trump's net worth fluctuates based on how much taxes he wants to pay that year and how many loans he wants to take out.

Also he's always been losing. Also he golfed a hundred million into his own pocket.

WrestlingWithFreedom -4 points ago +1 / -5

Wait, are you guys cheering on the government of India going after someone who was organizing a protest for farmers?

This is funny as shit. You guys are fucked.

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