The International Trade War Can End If Using Old Ancient Mechanism & Sports Market Similar

There is one perfect solution to solve the global international economic trade war between nations. First you need to go and read the mindset of all national governments.

Almost all of them want strong economy within their nation and only little extra with the rest of the world. But the problem is the current global economy & financial system is allowing people trade endless with other nations without any time limited or restriction.

In all kind of sport at club level, do you know why there is always some players trading window between club, and in very short period of time (about 1-3 months per year) ? It is because each team/club need time to build the chemistry and prevent other club to “distract” players.

Back in old ancient days, there was no economic trade war between nations because there was no internet for people to trade daily with just few phone calls or few clicks. Instead, they were trading direct cash for goods with slow boats or via traveling by foots.

So, if don’t want to either creating any new additional financial system but still keep the current system, then the solution is limited trading time window of each nations.

There are several rules can be used from global trading window between nations in few to seveal months per year to each nations will have random trading windows time each year, etc. The restriction could apply to financial market and/or physical goods/services shipping time.

By using and restrict trading window between nations, all people will must focus on the internal within nation market first. It like small “sanction” time. This is the most important if using “economy” first policy of all national governments.

Thus, the entire global currency market must be reset and re-value to true rate.

That is only able to solve the “economy” and only temporary solution because if want to truly solve the climate change/human development problem then it must takes something else .

Quick few words before saying goodbye.

Best Regard, The Savior

Source: savior personal blog

New World Economic Financial System Will Have National Currency & Club Currency

The current financial system backed by some secret group with secret assets backed rules. That’s the major root of problem around the world.

In my vision, the new global financial system should have 2 different tiers: – National currencies – Club currencies

They should be like sport team. So people cannot choose their national currency but they are allowed to join any club currencies.

The national currencies will backed via trust 100% so the exchange rate between each nations will be 1:1 (base rate minimum must be declared at the start the new system).

The club currencies will be backed via physical assets, both the total money printed and the real amount of assets must be public.

The exchange rate between club currencies with national currencies and will via free market between people.

Anybody or any group can form the club if the national government allow. The club could be about language, religions, races or any category but it must be unique.

The leaders or the controllers of each club allow to give reward/bounty to recruit/attract anyone with similar mindset. So you could see the Hebrew club will give 100,000 for anyone who able to speak Hebrew at general daily life level. Or any other long lost dynasty can rebuilt the nations at least in the economic section.

By allowing people/organization setup it own club currencies via real physical assets, all the current assets in the current financial system can be removed.

The benefit of club currencies are enormous such as give people from all around the world new way of make money which is study new language or new religion or, etc. It will transfer the current physical weapon war to the new real mind war of culture, languages.

The immigrated nations such as the USA, Canada, Australia are the one have advantage because they have big land and can allow any group to form the club without care about anything. But some big nations such as China, India can also benefit too since they also have many different languages, it is just not official one.

That is my vision with brief information, I do not get paid or have any motivation to think more so I am going into deep in this subject.

Best Regard, The Savior

Source: the savior personal website/blog

Each Language Deserve Have It Own Government, Own Currency

Language is the most important thing that help connect the people. This civilization have more than 2000 languages but only about 200 national governments and currencies.

Imagine life without culture, language, then that’s life become worthless because people only chasing for illusion credit worthless paper called as money/currency !

The revival of ancient culture and language must occur now. Each language deserve to have it own government and own currency.

It is a must step to help humanity grow and improve. The magic of language is beyond words and most all of people cannot understand and comprehend it.

The government I am talking about is not involve in weapon/force but it is only the economic government/authority.

If you wonder how to get is done. Then my answer is just treat business currency money like any team sport. In team sport, there are two type of team: national team and club team. The national team cannot be bought, but the club team can exchange/transfer player/people.

The new world financial system should be like that. Tier 1: national currencies backed by national government via trust. Tier 2: club currencies backed by real physical asset such as gold, silver, bronze, oil, gas.

The club currencies should be focus on languages at the beginning, and maybe some specific industries later.

How the club operating is totally up to each real physical asset owners.

That’s my vision about the future.

Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Source: the savior personal website/blog


The Current Shadow One World Government Must Disband, Vanish, Disappear To Save This Civilization

All the current chaos at the moment in this society are all made by the current stupid shadow One World Government that pretty much function like the communist party such as the Chinese or EU.

Without that stupid organization, the world would have peace by now since my announcement in online cyber environment few years ago.

Some examples are: – The energy shortage in cold winter should never even exist if the public people know how to use natural ingredients to keep them warm such as using wheat grain, rice grain or desert sand to make blankets, jackets. Why humans only made big warm jacket out of animals skin/hair but not using raw foods which is much cheaper and friendly with environment?

– The jobless or unemployment rate should never over 1-2% in any nations from poor to rich countries. There are endless way to make that happen.

– The trade war should never happen and can easily be avoided if they just either shutdown the public exchange rate between nations via internet/media or have better system.

– The stupid scam fake corona virus COVID pandemic is the most crazy cheating inhuman event ever seen in this civilization. How can put toxic chemicals to killing others can “bring peace”, how can a unmoral actions can bring gods to appear? It is pure nonsense !

Above are just few examples to show all the current shadow and public government have failed to help the public people. If they do not know, at least they must pay spend the money they receive from the public people to seek solution from outsiders. But hey no, they don’t do anything !

They must disband, vanish and disappear for the world become a better place. Without real competition between nations, they cannot any development. All the philosophy, slogan are useless ! Only real actions matter. But you cannot real actions if there are still some shadow group who behind many nations.

If they do not disband by volunteer, then the divine forces will come and do the jobs !

Best Regard, The Savior

Source: the savior website blog