When I was little, before school age, my mom tried to adopt my cousins. Their parents were on drugs and my parents tried to support them and help them get clean. My mom said “she would cry the state was going to take away her kids and then immediately go get high in the bathroom”. So my mom tried to adopt the boys, 2 of them both under school age. Since my parents weren’t married on paper the state said no, foster care is better. Now these were BEAUTIFUL boys. Dark hair, big blue eyed angels. Fast forward to now and one of them has been gunned down by police after a tortured life in and out of group homes, abuse and addiction. My mom is heart broken. She knows he would have had happy and healthy life with us and his brother too (equally tortured past just not the tragic ending). Sorry if this isn’t this place for it because it’s not a direct “conspiracy” but i just needed to say how fucked it all is. If I kept it inside I would explode. It’s not the conversation for normies.


Total mind fuck. This is what you celebrate? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MpJIg_3DnLk