Wavex4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Henry wanted sons.


And even somewhat understandably.

This was due to inheritance rules… under the laws of marriage, including the very seat of the Monarchy, as well as the established misconceptions and male-centric conceptions of lineage, which dominated such.

And due to the limited science of his day and age, he thought that he could get them through other women, instead of blaming his own sperm, which is the actual science.

Wavex4 1 point ago +3 / -2

I actively loathe Feminism and all the economic entitlement of wealthy would-be heiresses that it stands for.

But I think that enabling a woman to elect to no longer be the legally retained punching bag of an abusive husband, is rather baseline in terms of decency.

Wavex4 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Bank of Britain, you say?

The only European Empire left standing after they initiated WW1, you say?

The owners of the British Family, you say?

The same people who relentlessly attacked the Post-WW1 Empire-less German people who refused to accommodate the indentured servitude/slavery that the Bank of Britain forcefully attempted to demand under the terms of their usurious banking cartel, because the Germans were somehow managing to successfully rebuild and prosper independent of the financial slavers’ machinations? Ergo WW2 to finish the job and establish complete economic hegemony?

Pray, tell.

Wavex4 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can’t be Ashkenazi without being OG Nazi.

I swear - even the acronym is an in your face tell.

Wavex4 0 points ago +1 / -1

Aaaand, just like that, all OG Borderlands fans are suddenly banned from posting, along with the new fags who think Lilith is the man, instead of The Man.


Fuck yourself, Autocorrect. Fuck yourself in your fag hole. Sodomite algo…