honestly i am, i'm not old enough to make my choice in regards to the vaccine. My father, well let's put it simply, he'll most likely comply because he just wants the best for his family and if the government tells him the vaccine will do good, he'll take it. Now my mom, she's skeptical about it, but she believes in this new strain and most likely with the right amount of fear will push it onto me and my brother. She thinks that vaccines will most likely only be mandatory on travellers, i've tried to make her see we will all take it or be locked up/whatever, she doesen't believe me. I'm fucking terrified of the upcoming fall of the power grid, the internet, electricity going down everywhere. It's coming, i know that. But i'm way more afraid of being forced to take that fucking vaccine, which i think is the mark of the beast. Even if it isn't, being sterilized or almost dead/dying from that piece of crap isn't something i'm too keen on either. What can i do? and what can i do to get right with God? Sorry if i sound hysterical, i am kinda hysterical. I really need advice, ANY advice.