Truthallday 5 points ago +6 / -1

The digestive system protects you from most toxins. If you swallow snake venom your stomach acids neutralizes it but when a snake bites you it goes directly into your blood stream and you can die.

Truthallday 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ll go first.... So once upon a time there was an ancient cult that worshiped the stars and planets and routinely sacrificed children to their “Gods”. They are very smart but prone to be neurotic due to inbreeding. This cult kills or financially destroys all those that expose it. It traps its members with manipulation, guilt, and rituals. It accomplishes it’s goals through secret societies around the world like the Indian God with its many arms. This cult is heavily represented in industries that wield power and influence over others. This cult tries to fulfill their own prophesies at any cost without thought to those in their way. Unknown to most members this cult actually does the will of the evil one but uses subversive language and emotional manipulation so most people don’t catch on.

Did I miss anything?

Truthallday 6 points ago +6 / -0

Look into chemosignals. They can be secreted through sweat or even urine and are usually undetectable to the nose but are what animals use to communicate with each other and know if they are in heat or not. I have a suspicion the vaccine targets the epithelial cells in the reproductive tract which then cause the body to make distress chemicals telling other women that now is not a good time to reproduce causing their cycles to go off. In contrast-When lactating women are around other women they give off signals to other women that times are good so they should start ovulating.