Truth_Cipher 0 points ago +1 / -1

To return to the subject of this post instead of your apologist tour you are going on, no Palestine does not exist ( as a country). No Palestine does not deserve to exist as a country. Being a poor loser is manifesting in your entitlement. Literally follow the laws of Israel and you will be left alone. They are not draconian and in fact Israel has ceded some of their most holy sites to Muslims.

Truth_Cipher 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have an antiemetic revisionist history and outlook on the world. Israel and Jewish people are not going anywhere. Islam is literally angry ignored step child of the Abrahamic faiths. Israel is so terrible and awful that Muslims in Israel have a higher quality of life there than in the surrounding Muslim countries. Just dreadful to treat people well! Do some more reading and bump that IQ into the triple digits buddy.

Truth_Cipher 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have a fun revisionist history. All land is taken. That is the history of the world. Jews have a moral claim to the land. The Arab world would be a better place if there was less consanguinity. I'm not pretending that Palestinians are not people, but they are people who are dealing with the consequences of the choices that they have made. Israel isn't going anywhere. I suggest that you stop crying before you drown yourself.

Palestine had a chance to a country once upon a time but rejected the offer. Now Palestine is closer to being a sports team than a nation. Zealotry and regional affiliation doesn't make an actual country. Palestine never has and never will be a country. A people in an area over time doesn't make for a country if they are never unified by anything more than anger.

Truth_Cipher 0 points ago +1 / -1

In the whole world there are 14.7M Chosen People. Hardly a hoard. When you win a war you are not occupying someone else's land, it is yours. That is just basic history. The Jews have as much a claim to the land as those who like to contest the claim. The difference is won the land as all land had been claimed before. They have every right to hold the land to their holy sites. Israel is not going anywhere. As more and more normalization happens that region of the world will come to realize that if they work together they can prosper much more than if they dedicate themselves trying to kill each other.

Truth_Cipher 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes there can be Palestinians without a Palestine. People can call themselves whatever they want even if it is mislabeling. https://thefederalist.com/2019/04/02/sorry-palestine-does-not-exist/

Truth_Cipher 4 points ago +9 / -5

Palestine is as real as Santa. If the Palestinian people were not so busy marrying their first cousins maybe they could actually do something about it. Land is not stole when it is won. Islam is the 1619 Project of religions.