I know you guys just got here but i've seen a bunch of election stuff and a bunch of vaccine stuff. Can I get some new info on shit like Skinwalker Ranch, missing persons, my man Bigfeet, pyramids, and dem aliens???

I would assume you all know who Bob Lazar is. The most important thing about Bob Lazar that you need to know for this post is that map he drew of the DUMBs(Deep Underground Military Base) in the southwest who's existence he was aware of at the time. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_area51/tunnels_aliens.gif

Missing 411 is a series by a retired LA detective that examines missings persons cases across the country that make absolutely no sense and happen to have multiple similarities where if the person is found at all they are found dead and in strange circumstances and if they aren't dead, they can't or won't tell you what happened to them. Often times, the lost turn up in places that have been searched MULTIPLE times, sometimes days or years later and appear to have only been out in the elements for days at most and ALL of these cases are popping up around National Parks and Forests, too. It's all too wild to get into in adequate detail in this post, I highly recommend($25 if you buy from his site, up to $125 everywhere else because scalpers.) the books and radio interviews. Dave includes a map of the locations of the disappearances on the back of every one of his books. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-Sx_fLdj7WIA%2FT_0OC_gw9aI%2FAAAAAAAAAa4%2FnlJjzwTRnxk%2Fs1600%2Fmissing_map.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

Now, look at the two maps and tell me if you see any similarities..... (This isn't my theory, I happened to stumble over a gif with no context of the one map being laid over the other and I just happen to know what both of the maps were.)

Oh, wait, I found the gif.


What do you all think?