Please repost again good people and promise to save it 100 times over this time

Merry Christmas (odysee.com)
posted ago by Traps4GME ago by Traps4GME

If you are in 2022 still into reposting internet news and parroting click whore content because you cannot have an original thought of your own then your dick is tiny and you are a cuck beta male.

Stop it. There is another way.

All the figureheads matter not. Your government matters not. The celebrities matter not. Internet news matter not. They are all a distraction.

Stop dealing and discussing politicians. They matter not.

There are only two things that matter:

  1. The Digital ID

  2. CBDC's

For the first time in recent history we know their exact steps to the end game. They are so arrogant and think they have already won (they are almost there) which is why they do not care revealing everything.

The 9/11 was a compliance test The plandemic was the second compliance test.

They know there is zero resistance in the populus.

Now focus your energy 100% on these two targets, educate the world and become the Mages that will change the Universe according to their Will.

If this post gains traction I will educate you on how to formulate and use arguments and circular logic to short circuit the NPCs smooth brain and rehypnotise them to our advantage.

If they really want to mock us and spit in our faces they will declare this ended in January 2023 just likes the SPARS scenario (34 months)


I pray he does it in January

The Real Real Awakening (www.bitchute.com) See Comments
posted ago by Traps4GME ago by Traps4GME

This is a social xperiment to see how many upvotes this post will get in 24 hours from those upvoting posts by reading the headline only and not the content.

The WEF pandemic treaty that gives your body sovereignity away is concluding today and you care about Ye, twatter and Biden.

None but a couple of posts raised the alarm.

You can all go and fuck yourselves


The WHO aims to declare the new International Health Regulation incorporating the new pandemic treaty during the 77th World Health assemply in May 2024.

It is obviously the completion of the great hebraic work

Jesus is a fictional character (like Santa Claus) that never existed (same as SARS-CoV 2) written by and produced by Cohen & CoBergStein to create mind slaves of the entire Gentile population based on salvationism hopium.

The only evidence is that of a Jesus son of Panthera (i.e. a Gentile).

Broskis you've been misled for over 2000 years.

Even the cohoax plandemic is a minion compared to this one.

OK, downvote at will mind slaves...


His Master died yesterday but was announced today as true royalty does.

No evidence just theory

Is there a possibility to view the forum in reverse and start reading the posts from oldest to newest?

It would make an excellent diary

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