Torious 6 points ago +6 / -0

Congrats I guess? The monetary supply went up so much in 2020, profiteers need to park that money somewhere! They know the value of the dollar is going to shit with the printing presses running hot! Gold, BTC and yes, even Stocks. All of them surge because the supply of money exploded while your average joe looses his job, slides into poverty and gets a $600 check to stfu.

Just look at this shit:

M0 supply went from 3,4 Trillion to over 5 Trillion in 2020

M1 supply went from 4 Trillion to over 6 Trillion in 2020

M2 supply went from 15.5 Trillion to over 19 Trillion in 2020

M3? Yeah, they stopped reporting that in 2006.. wonder why.

What does that mean in reality? Every dollar you had at the end of 2019 is now worth less - MUCH less. Should be pretty apparent shortly, when prices go up across the board especially all the garbage imported from chy-nah.

Torious 4 points ago +4 / -0

"I’m personally looking forward to Jupiter activating my Aquarius Moon and natal Jupiter, as well as my four planets in Gemini, Uranus, Pluto and Pallas-Athene in Libra..."

Dunno what I just read, but it sounds kinky...