First of all I want everyone to know we are collectively over the target as our electronic systems suffered a massive attack while this report was being prepared.

Nevertheless, countermeasures were activated, and here is the latest intel that was intended not to reach you in a timely manner.

A series of high level murders, an attempt to set off nuclear weapons in the Ukraine, riots, and other chaos all indicate the current Western political system is imploding.

The main problem is a group of Messianic fanatics who think they must fulfill end-times prophecies written in ancient books.

Let us start with the attempt by the end-times fanatics to start Armageddon in Ukraine.

After we conveyed a message from Russias FSB last week that a U.S. C-17 carrying nuclear weapons arrived in Ukraine we got the following message from the NSA:

Thanks to your tips 3 nukes were located headed into South-Eastern Ukraine to be remotely detonated... in about 2 weeks... hopefully Russia will take them out ... and the 4 weapons headed into south Western Russia will be rerouted by Russia ... And we hope the 4 nukes headed to DC, NYC, Moscow in June & Maybe London will also be rerouted into the depths of Langley East and West... we can only hope.

The intercepted nukes were clearly intended to be set off in Ukraine and blamed on Russia as we can see from the propaganda campaign now going on.

For example the U.S. Navy Information/Disinformation site Sorcha Faal and Janes report the following:

President Putin authorizing the use of the nuclear-armed Iskander ballistic missiles being presently deployed near the Ukraine border,

Then we have reports about Russian nuclear mortars etc.

Of course, the mainstream corporate propaganda media is also beating the drums of war.

We also have the Israelis and their Iranian partners carrying on their ad-nauseum Iran is about to get nuclear weapons kabuki theater.

The latest is a supposed Israeli attack on an Iranian nuclear site followed by Iranian promises of revenge.

As usual, they are just trying to get Go (the G7) to fight Magog (the Shanghai Cooperation Association) to start Armageddon.

These fanatics just wont give up.

That is why the Gnostic Illuminati have issued the following warning:

If the Messianic fanatics try nuclear terror again, it will result in the obliteration of Jerusalem.

OK, now let us talk about the announcement of the death of Prince Philip, the associated murders, and their connection to the nuclear terror attempts.

Prinz Philip died ... Two years ago, when according to our CIA and Mossad sources the current "pandemic" broke out. Remember this infamous 1988 quote from him:

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus to contribute something to the solution of overpopulation. ...

Perhaps his cabal friends executed this entire deception as a tribute to him.

The timing of the announcement of his death may also be related to a battle between two cabal factions, the Davos Great Reset crowd and the Armageddon group.

The deaths of Prince Charles' socialist-globalist allies, Sir Richard Sutton (murder) and Czech billionaire Petr Kellner (helicopter accident), are no coincidence, according to Sorcha Faal's information-disinformation website.

Our Mossad sources say that the big reset group plans to end the pandemic this summer and announce the death of Queen Elizabeth II this fall. This will be followed by a new chairman of the 300-member committee (Prince William? Charles? Harry?) And an accompanying major reset.

The Armageddon group is apparently desperately trying to prevent this because they still believe in WWIII and the death of 90% of humanity is necessary to bring forth their messiah.

There is also much confusion around the ongoing deception.

This is seen in the form of increasingly contradictory information about Covid-19 and vaccines; vaccinated people get Covid; vaccines cause blood clots, mad cow disease, death, etc.

It is almost as if we are witnessing a campaign to wake up the sleepwalkers.

Perhaps the most credible reason for the fake pandemic and associated vaccination campaign is contained in the following March 2020 article: future-pandemic-detection/163497/.

It is an injectable sensor that contains a specially designed molecule that emits a fluorescent signal outside the body and an electronic component attached to the skin.

The electronic part reads the fluorescent signal and sends it to a network.

Remember, these end-time fanatics believe that everyone must implant the mark of the beast inside themselves to bring forth the Messiah." Perhaps that is why the new Pope Francis avatar recently issued this call:

I reiterate my call for government leaders, businesses and international organizations to work together to provide vaccines for all.

He coupled it with a call for communal ownership tied to people's social outcomes. If that's not the mark of the beast, I dont know what is.

It is also clear that the Western fanatical leadership is panicking because their entire Plandem scam is falling apart and there is no mass vaccination on the scale needed for depopulation.

There are growing signs that the campaign is now being stopped. In the UK, for example, they say they have reached the threshold of herd immunity against Covid-19 on April 12.

Opinion polls also show that the pandemic fear campaign is failing as the public comes to realize the reality that people are not dying any more than they were before the pandemic.

There is also growing evidence that the pandemic campaign was launched with a massive 5G electromagnetic attack that really killed a lot of people before the 5G networks were taken down. Last week, for example, gravesites in Wuhan, China, were overwhelmed by mourners, confirming that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people were killed when they simultaneously fired 10,000 5G towers in the city in late 2019.

Https: //www.zerohedge .com / covid-19 / massive-masses-of-people-reported-wuhan-cemeteries-raise-questions-about-actual-death-payoff

The sheer terror of being exposed as a war criminal turns the Khazarian Mafia cabal into dangerous rats in corners.

This includes the Chinese Communist Party officials behind the Wuhan disaster.

Many of them, including Xi Jinping, have already been removed.

The current Xi is the brother of the previous one, say Asian secret society sources.

The Rockefeller faction behind the fake U.S. government of Joe Biden avatar is especially frightened because their crimes against humanity are far worse than just a single attack on Wuhan.

They have been deliberately poisoning the people of the world with cancer-causing chemicals for over a century.

For example, the label on this wholesale vanilla oil bottle warns that the contents are carcinogenic, destroy fertility, cause organ failure, and attack the central nervous system.

And yet, the same vanilla oil can be found in every Japanese supermarket without warning.

This form of attack has been repeated in shampoos, soaps, foods, cosmetics, etc. throughout the commercial ecosystem of Fortune 500 companies controlled by this satanic clan.

Therefore, as the former vice president of Pfizer warns, the vaccines used by this particular group will kill all who take them.

The other reason why the Armageddon subgroup of the Khazarian Mafia wants to kill everyone is that their crimes against children will also be exposed. According to a top CIA source:

Ghislaine Maxwell is not at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, as the MSM says.

She was removed from the MDC months ago.

All talk of her bail and court appearances are theater.

She is under the protection of military intelligence. Maxwell turned over all her documents, photos, videos, books and files to them. MI has enough intelligence to bring down the high ranking Kabbalic Satanic members. They are waiting to set the trap.

It seems that the announced death of Prince Philip is connected with it.

We have been waiting for the U.S. military to act, but hopefully this time they really will.

The Rockefeller Group is also trying to raise oil prices.

Oil refineries and related facilities have been destroyed in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Mozambique, Indonesia, Texas, etc. in the past month.

The Keystone pipeline shutdown and warmongering in Ukraine also fit the Rockefeller playbook.

Asian secret society sources now tell us that the real reason for the coup in Myanmar, followed by the recent unrest, is that the Rockefellers are trying to sabotage a major Chinese oil pipeline bypassing the Strait of Malacca bottleneck.

The Rockefellers have also received a lot of money from Communist China by promising them control of Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand, as we have previously reported. Because of this, the U.S. has been able to pay the largest trade deficit in this nation's history, $71.1 billion in February alone.

Japanese right-wing sources close to the emperor have now pointed out exactly who the Rockefellers are using to keep their promise to hand Japan over to the Communist Chinese: an imperial family pretender named Fushimonomiya Hiroakio. He is an advisor to Mobil Oil, as the Rockefeller family funnels money to him, the sources say.

This is the group mentioned in last week's report calling for a True World Religion Federation" and World Religion the Vatican.

In other words, it's a good bet that the current Pope Francis avatar along with the Biden avatar, the Ben Johnson avatar, etc. are also all working for the Rockefellers and their bosses at the Octogon Group in Switzerland.

This is personal to me because these people murdered my webmaster and probably my former girlfriend and our child.

They are also connected to the Dalai Lama.

Their chief hitman Tenzan Nakai came out of hiding because his former boss Hanabusa Goro of the Hanabusa gang died a few weeks ago and he hopes to take control, the sources say. These people must be hunted down and destroyed as soon as possible.

By the way, we were told last week that these are the exact coordinates for the Octogon group headquarters: 46.4555, 6.60052

If you put these coordinates into Google Earth, they point directly to the center of Lake Geneva. Removing these people from power is the only way to save the West from becoming a Chinese colony.

It seems that the JP Morgan faction of the Khazarian Mafia has come to the same conclusion.

Last week, Jamie Diamond, CEO of JP Morgan, made the following observations:

America has fallen on hard times before...

This time may be different...

The Chinese see an America losing ground in technology, infrastructure, and education - a nation torn and crippled by politics and racial and income inequality - and a country unable to coordinate government policies (fiscal, monetary, industrial, regulatory) in a coherent way to achieve national goals.

Unfortunately, this has been very true lately.

Their long-term thinking and competent, consistent leadership have in many ways surpassed America.

Almost all institutions-governments, schools, media, and businesses-have lost credibility in the eyes of the public. Americans know something has gone terribly wrong, and they blame this country's leadership:

We need a comprehensive, multi-year national Marshall Plan and we must strive for healthy growth.

Proper budgeting and planning - on a multi-year basis - should be done at all levels of government.

A new institution, ie a future planning organization, is the way to fix the West and the planet as a whole.

The messianic fanatics are trying to prevent this and must be removed.

There is no other choice.

One final note this week: we are seeing more and more reports of UFOs in the corporate media.

This article about pyramid-shaped UFOs

caught my attention because the Dalai Lama who brings the above people together has been happy to show me pictures of such UFOs.