Let's band together here, what say you to finding alternative ways to avoid the corporate monsters? Seriously fighting the 'man' in real time with real progress? If the american mandate is focused on business' 100 people and over, then what is stopping us from finding small shops to support? What can be gained from leaving the mass consuming mechanism? I think we can do this and I think it can really make a difference. Perhaps we can add shops that we know but I havent figured out how to do that without revealing what I consider personal type info so this may have to be on the ground type stuff. (We should get radios) We need to be social and find these ways to shop and feed ourselves without bowing down to mandates. That is how we make this hurt them a bit and really show our power. ( this isnt about money) Let the corporations fall like domino in their deceitful schemes. We can be the gravity. Your thoughts are very welcome as I haven't formulated very much yet. Just feeling the need for somekind of resistance guys. Thanks.


My phone keeps crashing and I think it's a good opportunity to move away from constant surveillance. Im searching for phone companies with strict privacy policies that do not collect and sell data, I would lunk to know your thoughts and opinions. Thanks. I have looked into t- mobile, at&t, and cricket wireless and it's a no go.


Eh let me rant since everyone else seems to be allowed to lately. The theory of race and color supremacy and inferiority at its very base is a means to divide all people. It has always been a thing and it will always be a useful way to divide humans. My background understanding of this is founded on my faith in God and the knowledge of good and evil. There is and always has been a war going on for the souls of men and we are not alone as intelligent beings on this earth. I truly believe everything in this world comes down to and can be explained by understanding evil and evil will use any means necessary to stop love, for love is good and has no use for evil. Evil will always try to separate the human soul from connecting with other human souls and feeling any good or love. The world is getting very lost in the darkness we are surrounded by and my challenge to you is to love even that which may seem unlovable to you because it is the only way to save everyone. If you dont care about everyone you yourself are also lost so love yourself well and be well to others. We are all the same under a thin layer of skin I dont care what color it is or where you grow up, we can all be better than giving into evil to feel better or vindicated momentarily.

Tldr: devil&co are workin overtime friends, don't let'em getcha!

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