Th3Cho0sing0ne 1 point ago +1 / -0

And were exactly in that video do he mention rockefeller and rothschild or zionism in a bad light?

so... you didn't watch it? ok. You are just looking to shit post about researchers you are envious of. got it.

Th3Cho0sing0ne 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell me when did Joe rogan, or Alex jones, or hell even David icke, ever talk about rockefeller, rothschild and zionism?


I feel like you are venting some frustration, but, David Icke talks a bit more broadly than Lizard People.

Th3Cho0sing0ne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fake whistleblowing? Thats a term I havnt heard until today.

From what Ive seen and heard, the reporting was authentic. I also dont believe the Fox station was working in collaboration with Ivory to fake this whistleblowers reporting. Im really not sure what you're trying to say.

Im really not againt Ivory doing this to advance her career ambitions. I dont see this as an ethical problem, as she did not fabricate her info. Is the info relatively tame and lightweight... yes. I still dont see that as a problem. Every little contribution helps. Ivory is a capitalist, and is doing what she believes is a win/win scenario. She is not causing harm to our side.

You are absolutely correct that we need stronger efforts to expose Fox Corp... and yes, Ivory is not that person. Im not going to hate on this person and this event nonetheless. Ill take any and all wins atm.

Th3Cho0sing0ne 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes... but, why is this a problem? None of your concerns really lead to anything negative as a result of her ambitious move. She's taking an opportunity to gain buzz and attention to promote her future ventures, and to gain funding for such ventures. Taking a well deserved swipe at corrupt Fox was a bonus. I dibt really see why you are big mad.