They want a herd of NPCs. All the while pretending to cry for muh dIvErsIty, as well as shitting bricks about any and all "tHreAtenEd sPeCiEs"... This clowns pretend to care more about whales than about the Human Kind as a - precisely - DIVERSE SPECIES.
Let us oppose to them the Human Diversity, which is first and foremost CULTURAL, as in CIVILIZATIONAL.
Nations, Cultures, Civilizations are what they truly hate, as much as they truly hate any Free Individual, ie Any Person as a Whole Universe in and by Themselves.
Time to Unite through and because our God-Given, Actual Diversity as Human Groups, be them Family, Community (in the natural, organic, genuine meaning of this word), State, Country, Nation, Culture and Civilizations.
Mankind will conquer Outer Space: may it be through different projects involving different civilizations, to enrich the vast, empty nearby Universe of all we've invented as who we were and are from where we come and came. Same as for the nano/virtual/technological scale: civilizational diversity, in order to multiply the outcomes.
Their Prison Planet has already failed. Their pseudo-vaccine is already showing as a mere poison. Their politics have been proven wrong all along centuries.
Let's Unite. Unified through our diversity.
E Pluribus Unum.
" The Wuhan biological laboratory belongs to GlaxoSmithKline which owns Pfizer. Pfizer is the maker of the "vaccine" against the "virus" that supposedly escaped from the Wuhan biologial laboratory. This laboratory was financed by Dr. Fauci who promotes the vaccine. GlaxoSmithKline is managed by the financial division of Black Rock, who manages the Soros' Open Society Foundation, which manages the French Axa Insurance Company (whose boss used to recently be Henri de Castrie, then president of the Bilderberg group). Soros owns the German company Winterthur, which has built a laboratory in Wuhan and which was bought by the German company Allianz, whose Vangard is the shareholder, Vangard being a shareholder of Black Rock, this weapon of the Federal Reserve, which control most Central Banks worldwide and manages about a third of the global investment capital. Black Rock also happens to be a big shareholder of Microsoft, of Bill Gates fame, when this guy also is a shareholder of Pfizer (which, remember? sells a "miracle vaccine") and also happens to be one of the main sponsor of the W.H.O.
Now, do you understand how a dead bat sold on a Wuhan's wet market in Wuhan, China, happened to contaminate the entire planet?... "
Looks like an emergency. Let .win help federate Patriots worldwide, for Pepe's sake.
Coup > Consul > Referenda
Free Speech is not an option when it comes to discussing conspiracies. ATS long ago fell to the CIA, GLP still is the mess it always has been, all the Chan's have long been infiltrated by the glowies... Well, by now obviously is the only real conspiracies forum as in allowing all kinda debates and other crazy yet thoughtful ideas, all the while somehow protected in its fiery endeavors by some kind of supreme archangel.
I seldom lurk in /r/conspiracy anymore (while an active user long ago, as on the long defunct /r/TD), but for what I reckon, even recently eg John's threads were massively censored there. Yet, this turd of a forum still sports 1.5M+ subscribers and seemingly on average about 5K-10K connected readers daily. What a shame.
LET'S ALL SHILL in Patriots, in GAW as well, and even on fucking /r/c ! (well: YOU, mostly, as I for one am banned on both these XD ; I still do shill c'.win onto /r/c time to time, though...)