A few hours ago an anon on 4chan said watch for an EAM in about an hour for some world changing shit. Few people called him an larper but low and behold some serious long coded messages came through. Obviously we don't know what they are but, let me put a possibility together for us.

On Dec 7th a facebook post indicated preparing for a coming storm by the Army's 82nd Airborne Division 1st Brigade with Operation "Devil Storm".

Today President Donald Trump let US Attorney General Bill Barr retire once more before Christmas to spend time with his family. There has been speculation either on twitter, 4chan, or td (I can't remember who said it) that the reason is Barr was brought on to deal with the Mueller and that now that he has dealt with it and that he doesn't want to be the one to do these final arrests he is ready to back to his home life.

Richard Donoghue was named acting Attourney General, which is interesting because he was in the 82nd Airborne as well.

Guess who was in the General in charge of the 82nd Airborne, reassuring people that everything is going according to plan, and recently free after being pardoned? Yes, General Michael Flynn.

In addition to this Lin Wood has recently tweeted that GA Gov Kemp and AG Brad Raffensperger was given the chance to do the right thing by the American people and instead gave into the Chinese and are now traitors to the country and it is now traitors.

I don't know if everyone is going to get arrested or if they are going to secure evidence, but it is a new moon and that is a perfect time for infiltration and EAM is how go orders are sent. And they were sent to a trusted unit that was under General Flynn.