The messaging of the Democrats is full of fear, hate and insane ideas. The Republican messaging is essentially to pass around the Democrat messaging to show how insane it is. Doesn't this end up with everyone seeing the hateful and insane messaging?

Fear, Uncertainty, Demoralization for everyone!


“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus – they don’t get sick,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday. That’s “not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real world data.”

From March, 30 2021

Of course if vaccine immunity wanes after 4 or 5 months then they knew this 4-5 months into their clinical trial that started in summer of 2020, which would be around Nov 2020

I saw a video on the conspiracy sub awhile back it was done by a female reporter and the substance of the video was how NSA contractors had access to the incoming data feed and was siphoning off our data to use themselves. The most shocking thing I remember from the video was how some of the same former government officials who started these NSA contracting firms also created the program that "randomly" assigns judges and jurors to court cases. Imagine what someone could do if they had everyone's personal data (politics, biases, stances on issues) and also got to pick who sat on a jury or which judge hears a case?

Anyone know where I can find it, or even what it was called?