StopTrackingMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Re: tests changing, athletics, high IQ and perspiration, that's how I see it as well. High IQ autistic neckbeards on Reddit aren't a pinnacle of humanity, they're a drain.

For your test, no I haven't taken it, and Assembling Objects and Paragraph Comprehension indeed sound like something you would get on an IQ test. That's one quarter of the test, the other 75% is obviously not IQ based, e.g. "Automotive and Shop Information" or "Word Knowledge". It's a proxy. I don't understand why this is controversial to you. This portion is possible to study for.

Ashkenazi Jews make up a large portion of lawyer, banking, and music industry demographics because top schools are incredibly nepotistic towards Jewish applicants. There's no evidence for "verbal intelligence" that they are born with. When they see Goldberg on the application it gets a green check. Innate Multiple Intelligence is one of the many lies that we are told to make ourselves feel better about discrepancies.

StopTrackingMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

ASVAB Computerized Test

  • General Science (GS) – 15 questions in 8 minutes
  • Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) – 15 questions in 39 minutes
  • Word Knowledge (WK) – 15 questions in 8 minutes
  • Paragraph Comprehension (PC) – 10 questions in 22 minutes
  • Mathematics Knowledge (MK) – 15 questions in 20 minutes
  • Electronics Information (EI) – 15 questions in 8 minutes
  • Automotive and Shop Information (AS) – 10 questions in 7 minutes
  • Mechanical Comprehension (MC) – 15 questions in 20 minutes
  • Assembling Objects (AO) – 15 questions in 40 minutes
  • Verbal Expression (VE) Score = (WK)+(PC)

Yeah this is exactly what I'm talking about. Practically every single category here is testing your knowledge on a subject. This is not an IQ test, it doesn't produce an IQ score. It's a proxy test. You're not talking about IQ tests.

Newton could have been a neurotic introverted mess with no conscientiousness, that's basically what you said but captured with the Big 5. Those personality traits have been heavily studied, they play a big role in why men tend to be leaders more often than women. Saying that it's just a "style" just throws that entire body of research to the side. Try being an agreeable leader that is not assertive, it's not possible. I think you're using "emotional intelligence" as Big 5 traits associated with good leadership. Being an assertive, extroverted person, who has no neurotic thoughts doesn't have to do with intelligence. If you want to talk about game, that's what you need.

But underlying ALL athletic ability is a kinetic/spacial ability to put your body where it should be at the right time, and that ain't captured on IQ tests.

Yeah and just like those thousands of factors, this could be only 1% of the equation. Perhaps experience & knowledge is a lot more critical. Discussing with a million variables particularly when it comes to athletics is pointless. We can find a better analogy with your Michelangelo comment.

you can't take a high IQ individual and, given enough training, make a Michelangelo out of him. Nonsense to think you can. [...] High intelligence people, as measured by IQ at least, have the ability to be a Renaissance man.

Right, nobody can be exactly someone else. He had his own life experiences and memories. Extremely high IQ individuals are at an exponential advantage when it comes to reaching that level. It seems we agree on this fully.

What general IQ doesn't capture, the theory of multiple intelligences at least TRIES to, which is formulate a way to measure intellectual strengths and weaknesses

The problem is that "multiple intelligences" claims that this is innate. If you count training & knowledge you're just back to IQ being the only innate intelligence. That's the crux of the inbreeding argument. If you agree with this, perhaps we are using different words to describe the same thing.

StopTrackingMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, it is possible to prep for an IQ test by taking practice IQ tests.

No, you can't. We know this because people who take multiple IQ tests don't score better in subsequent attempts. If you're memorizing exact test banks this is cheating.

It's done all the time

Where? This doesn't happen.

As for charisma, I see you refuse to answer that point. To a large extent, leaders are BORN as much as they are made by opportunity and training.

This is heavily influenced by the "Big 5" personality traits. Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These are all critical to charisma, but they're not measures of intelligence. I think we can find a lot to agree on here but it's not a good example of straight intelligence.

If was all training, than any person, given enough training can become a professional athlete

There are also other factors with athleticism. Simple things like natural testosterone levels will give one person a massive athletic advantage over another. Like charisma, this just introduces too many variables. If it was based on intelligence, women would be competing with top male athletes. It's just pointless to discuss here.


I think the disconnect in this thread is that you consider intelligence to be what I consider (knowledge + intelligence). If we go by Google's definition, intelligence is "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills", not the acquired knowledge itself. If you're smarter, you have a greater ability to learn. Your entire thread is operating under a different definition.

To be clear - I 100% agree that a genius needs both intelligence and large amounts of knowledge. I don't discount that at all. The thing that separates intelligent geniuses from "book smart" people with the same knowledge bank, is that actually intelligent geniuses can synthesize new ideas from their bank of existing knowledge. A stupid book smart person is just not able to do that. That's why they are actually pretty stupid. You need IQ to do this, and that IQ will encompass every type of "multiple intelligence" you can devise. So there is only one type of intelligence.

Go back to your original comment; you supposed that Jews have a high verbal IQ. No, they have a standard verbal IQ, determined by their very average 103 IQ scores. Their dominance is not due to inbreeding and many average IQ Christians also study ancient texts, probably even more than there are Jews total. If you have a high Verbal IQ, you will also score highly on IQ tests. Jews do not score high on IQ tests.

StopTrackingMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it’s not possible to prep for an IQ test. I’ve taken one with a professional evaluation. You obviously have no idea what an IQ test is like. If you want, you can take one to understand what it is. Chinamen studying for SATs won't give them a high IQ score. Only the proxy SAT score, which is not a real IQ test, so it can be manipulated.

Why are you conflating natural athletic ability and charisma with intelligence? The topic is that verbal intelligence, one of the classic multiple intelligences, is perfectly encapsulated by IQ. It's not a separate metric. The g-factor has been studied and it nearly perfectly correlates IQ to "verbal intelligence" every single time. There's no wiggle room here. There's no verbal IQ separate from IQ.

Memorize whatever you want, your pattern recognition for novel patterns will not improve. Pattern recognition has been extensively studied and has led to the most success-correlated psychometric test ever devised. If you have a high verbal intelligence, you have high spatial, musical, and logical intelligence. You'll need some effort to build those concrete skills, but your ceiling is much higher in every single one of those categories than somebody with a low IQ.

StopTrackingMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

A good memory, of course, plays a large role in the ability to score well on an IQ test

That's not true at all. You can say that about the SAT, but modern IQ tests don't use questions that involve memory (minus holding the question in your head). They are made of very simple to comprehend, but highly abstract questions.

a "book smart" but stupid person is [...] very low in emotional intelligence

You're glossing over the entire point - the "book smart" person is only "smart" with topics they studied, i.e. they can only recite facts. They can't engage in new/novel information. They can memorize an entire math textbook but be unable to form new mathematical abstractions.

You can say that this rote memorization is a form of intelligence, but memorization will not help you do well on an IQ test. That's not how they work, and it's not what they measure. Memorizing things but being unable to form novel connections sounds pretty stupid to me.

StopTrackingMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take your example, a low IQ person, and have them study mathematics extremely heavily for a sustained period of time. They'll develop mathematical skills far exceeding their other abilities. That's not intelligence, it's rote memorization of patterns. If then a novel mathematics problem comes up, their low IQ will pose a barrier. This new problem will be extremely hard to solve because it requires making actual novel connections, not just regurgitating what they are familiar with.

Those are the "strengths and weaknesses" you mention. They're not intelligence, just skills developed over time. Yes we all know a "book smart" person who is stupid, but they are not actually smart. They just memorized specific patterns. It took them much longer to do that than it would take an otherwise intelligent person.

We all know a genuinely intelligent person who excels at many different things, from logical problems to creative tasks. They pick things up quickly, and while they need to develop skills over time, this is done really fast relative to other people. They're really just good at everything.

StopTrackingMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s not real. The idea of multiple intelligences is an emotional tool used to make people feel that everyone can be special in their own way. In reality, all of those multiple intelligences almost perfectly correlate with the intelligence “g factor”; if you are intelligent in one area, you’re also intelligent in the others. That’s what IQ is.

StopTrackingMe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Verbal IQ

The theory of multiple intelligences has been disproven. There’s only IQ, and it’s genetic. Average Ashkenazi IQ is around 103, despite a famous flawed study claiming 115. It’s not their intelligence.

StopTrackingMe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Twitter is connected at the hip with the left-establishment, gettr doesn’t seem to be

Gettr’s global communications director, Ebony Bowden, is a pro-Hillary never-Trumper.


It’s a honeypot. You can make posts on some of the topics you mentioned, but they can control the outreach, control what’s trending, hide unfavourable posts, and shadowban people they don’t like because they said unfavorable things off-platform (they’re already doing this).