StopThe0p 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Project Dunbar"

This is only 2 months old. Biggest news since the creation of money.

BlackRocks plan with the BIS (Global Bankers) & IMF (United Nations) to rid the world of cash & create a One Wørld Standard of tracked & traced digital currency. The BIS only ntroduced one of their 2 prototype platforms (comprised only of companies beholden to china.) The news hasn't dropped yet but Tom Fink is working on the other platform with the remaining BIS royalty (blackrock/vanguard/state street are the managers of their assets anyways). This giving the illusion of choice.

Without the blessing of the United Nations (IMF) crypto would always be partially regulated or decentralized they're trying to change this. The basel accords are the beurocratic arm of the IMF. The united nations (IMF) in aggreeance with big bankers (BIS) Iis wha distinguishes the standard.

This will eliminate the need for the U.S. dollar as the standard and collapse the economy as a result

Financial tyranny is the only tyranny of the 21st century when we look back at this.