No, we are here to talk about conspiracies, not why your girlfriend left you for a Brazilian guy when you are so superior to "those browns" LOL
You racist pansies are the ones who keep crying to the mods.
Why are YOU so scared bitchboy?
Because you're a dumb racist teenage edgelord.
It's not because you're disrupting any real narratives or being insightful in any way.
You're just a complete dickhead bruh.
The most fucked up part is that I've made a point to call u/terrorist out at every possible turn, and I've been banned 5 times this week for doing that.
He's fine though.
So I'm striking you now!
LOL STFU you dumb bitch.
Every comment you make is stupider than the last one.
Please, pull more made-up statistics from your stupid brain.
U/terrorist can't read! He just sits quietly listening to his inbred cousin tell him about how the family is "aryan" because their great-grandfather was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania.
LOL, do you know where Bethlehem is? It's not in the mountains of West Virginia where you try (and FAIL) to molest your first cousins.
LOL u/terrorist thinks the middle east is full of "white" people.
If the mental giant u/terrorist ACTUALLY saw a picture of what Jesus ACTUALLY looked like, he'd be calling him a n****ger.
What's missing?
U/terrorist's social or love life
But trust him, it's because those pesky pointy-nosed jEwS keep spreading those awful rumors about him to the other middle schoolers.
Bruh, the only agent of satan is you and your retard hate-boner.
Jesus was literally more black than white LOL
But don't you get it, u/Terrorist is a only a friendless outcast because all the kids in his middle school are just intimidated by his mental superiority from having such white skin.
It's everyone else's fault he's a failure at life. Not his own. Which is obvious since the conditions of his birth OBVIOUSLY make him an intellectual giant with a massive dong. Why can't anyone else see that!!!!
Ah man, they really got triggered by this comment.
I thought it was brilliant to be honest!