ShillyShillington -1 points ago +1 / -2

Because Dominion definitely won’t be expecting that? It’ll just a big surprise to them when it gets to court?

If there ever was evidence, it’ll be long gone. If there was never any evidence to the contrary, people won’t accept it and claim Dominion deleted it/covered it all up anyway

ShillyShillington 0 points ago +1 / -1

So which was it? Italy/Leonardo SpA in collusion with Obama, or China/Huawei? Pillow guy has also sent out a page mentioning Kaspersky (Russia).

Something stinks about the election, but throwing multiple different narratives out there muddies the waters

ShillyShillington 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m not familiar with the intricacies - but isn’t the Vatican a sovereign state? Do the Italian police have jurisdiction? Can Italian military just March on into another state?

What about the Lateran Treaty? That was signed I believe to split the Vatican from Italy