Why are the other planets round?
How do thing "orbit"? Explain flat Earth orbit You can see satellites and the space station with the right conditions at night. Starlink constellations for example.
I do care. Flat Earth theory has been popular for years and I have heard of every argument. I'm sceptical to all conspiracy and spent a good share of time researching it. At the end of the day, there is way, way, way more evidence leading in the direction of ball earth
Get fucked you selfish piece of shit. Your ego makes you care more about making your point in a petty argument on the internet with a stranger than fallowing traffic laws. Stay away from any parade routes.
The projection of the globe that is in the UN logo is used because it is the most accurate way to display all the continents except Antarctica on a flat map while keeping their proportions accurate. This massively distorts the oceans, btw
It's not the math, it's your misinterpretation of the math and You completely ignore all physics like they don't exist.
Explain eclipses please
Did you really type that shit while driving? I hope you have a horrific accident that only involves you.
So everyone involved with logistics, shipping and aerospace is involved in the same coordinated conspiracy with the government to convince us we are on a "ball"? How much more retarded can you be?
Flat Earth is like a turd in the conspiracy punch bowl. Nobody takes a drink because they see how stupid flat Earth is before getting a cup. I would believe in lizard people before I think I'm on a flat disk that sits on the back of a giant turtle.
You have to be able to think in more than 2 dimensions to comprehend 3 dimensional geometry. When you can't think past 2 dimensions, flat Earth seams logical.
Explain why ships disappear bottom first over the horizon...
There are several bridges that have taken curvature into account whereas the peaks of the towers lean a few centimeters from the base. Try doing the slightest bit of research on what you have questions about and you might learn something. https://www.spacecentre.nz/resources/faq/solar-system/earth/flat/structures.html
How has no one ever taken an image of the "edge"?