A curious trait I've observed among this contemporary strain of conspiracy theorist is the invulnerability of his spirit to disappointment, that his philosophical momentum is barely affected by being continually kicked in the balls by reality.

Most recently, this manifested quite obviously surrounding the election. It seemed as though every day something new and earth-shattering was promised by the usual cast of con artists like Lin Wood or Ron Watkins. Something was about to be revealed that would end Biden's campaign or change the results of the election or restore power back to Trump or restore power back to the military, et cetera. And when every promise predictably amounted to nothing, this didn't remotely shake the devout beliefs of the conspiracy theorist. Why? Because his beliefs aren't based in any kind of material reality. It's faith and nothing more.

It reminds me of some things that Jean-Paul Sartre wrote in "Reflections on the Jewish Question" which I'll paraphrase here:

It is a way of feeling good, proud even, rather than guilty at the abandonment of responsibility and the flight before the impossibility of true sincerity. He abandons himself to the crowd and his bad faith, he "flees responsibility as he flees his own consciousness, and choosing for his personality the permanence of the rock, he chooses for his morality the scale of petrified values."

He pulls down shutters, blinds, mirrors and mirages over his consciousness to keep himself in his bad faith away from his responsibilities and his liberty. He is afraid "of himself, of his own consciousness, of his own liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and the world...

He is a coward who does not want to admit his cowardice to himself.

So I ask you, somewhat sincerely, what keeps you going when every single earth-shattering prospect (always just around the corner) amounts to jack shit?

Quintessential Republican blowhard who made a career of pushing lies and disinformation. The world is a better place with him currently rotting in Hell. Hallelujah!


"WASHINGTON ― Then-President Donald Trump raised $76 million for a political slush fund by citing the need to challenge his Nov. 3 reelection loss and for Republicans to win two Senate runoffs in Georgia, but through the end of 2020 he did not spend a dime of it on either.

“He put nothing back. He didn’t care,” said one top Republican familiar with the fundraising operation who spoke on condition of anonymity, adding that Trump intends to use the money to pay his personal, non-election-related, legal bills. “He put all this money in the bank for his own legal fights. He never cared about Georgia’s races.”"

Do you guys think this is the behavior of someone who actually believes in his own narrative of voter fraud? Or the last grift of someone who never took his own rhetoric seriously in the first place?

An incredible feat achieved in less than ten years.

Here's my symbological reading on this year's Super Bowl, which has more unconscious cultural and political significance than usual. Basically the teams split along the 'Two Americans', the Trump versus Biden divide.

On one side is the old white MAGA retard Tom Brady and his coach named 'Aryans'. They are the side of Pepe, 4chan, 'Nazis', and if they win create a triptych along with the Capitol Riots and Wallstreetbets, this undercurrent of prole uprisings against the newly-minted victorious woke elite POC media hegemony. On the other side are the unstoppable technocratic-machine Chiefs, with their policy expert and fat-positive coach Andy Reid, and Patrick Mahomes, a light skin black superstar QB, leader of the new Z-generation, who is in all the commercials and fits very well with the woke/black excellence lib media narrative, ala Kamala. If he beats Brady, he has unseated the most successful quarterback ever: Brady a smiling trophy-raising symbol of conservative old money WASPy imperialist privilege and the rigged system, the prettyboy statuesque godhead ubermensch mason of Boston sports (America's 'most racist' city and a symbol of our Colonial American Forefathers) who has a fascistic health regimen bordering on eugenics, and has now moved down to Florida in his (pre-)retirement as a surrogate of most elderly boomers. On the other hand, Kansas was once the epicenter of America's radical progressive populist movement and famous setting of the Wizard of Oz, a colorful gay utopian film about social outcasts unmasking impotent kings.

It is always essential to look at the mascots, and they also reflect this ‘Tradition vs. Progress’ narrative. The Buccaneers (skull pirates, metaphorical rapists and conquerors) and Chiefs (Native Americans, metaphorical victims and POC leaders), each line up with their respective poles, i.e. anti-PC, male rights, rugged individualism, anarcho-capitalists vs. social justice, indigenous peoples, communitarian, well-meaning liberal cultural appropriation. Also the Bucs colors are dark maroon (old blood) and Chiefs are light red (new blood).

The Chiefs are the favorites and Buccaneers are underdogs, reflecting the Qanon narrative of Trump as patriotic underdog versus the Deep State/Technocratic establishment. Also it is the first time by luck a team (the Bucs) are playing at their own stadium in the Super Bowl, and this fits the narrative of the Bucs defending their 'Home', i.e. the old American way of life, against immigrants, blacks, cultural Marxists, etc.

Since I believe in fate and deeper meanings from the outcomes of these symbolic warring (vitalistic) energies, whoever wins will portend where the tides are moving in our country, and will reveal the contradicting levels of our socio-political reality. Superbowl LV is 5+4 = 9, which is the end of the sequence of basic numbers, signaling a turning point. Is this a passing of the torch or a hubristic last gasp of old men? As with the election, both outcomes kinda suck and are 'oppressive' on different levels. Depends if you like the predictable boring, inspirational social justice side, or the rebellious counterculture but white nationalistic 'return to the past' side. Me, I like the irony and cultural dissonance that will come from the deplorable team winning, and generally like whenever the contrary underdog team wins, so I'm rooting for the Bucs, but may have a change of heart as it goes along. Either way it's sure to be a soul-stirring and retarded game that will go down in the history books as the key marker-event for the future waves of American empire.

The incessant use of triple-parentheses and all the kneejerk antisemitic language was a little too subtle, at least now we have some real clarification as to the agenda of this forum.

Wrong number go up. (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Serenade ago by Serenade

That was part of The Plan, right?

If you do, please elaborate. Thanks.




I thought he had the goods on Seth Rich. That only fizzled out in what, like four hours?

If the blue team wins, it's because they cheated. If the red team wins, it's because the God Emperor blessed them with his dark-to-light magic because MAGA WWG1WGA NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING ETC.
