Things dynamic shifted around 2015. It was going back before but it went completely off the rails after 2015. I have two theories. One in 2014 Obama handed some key elements to the UN to what extent I don't know and also around that time Google forced websites to confirm to phone standards or they wouldn't list you AND didn't tell you. You had to find out by going thru Analytics and if your site wasn't dumbed down enough to their phone standards you were done.
News sites were among the first to adapt to this format I bet they got secretly told ahead of time and had the changes already made this was the kiss of death of most already dying personal sites.
I went there once years ago and delete my account because they all (except a few) sounded high on crack or something but now looking back the majority of it is slowly coming true every day. It feels like the ' Life Sim 3000' is 98 percent identical to the old world with some key differences but the forces keeping it working are grinding themselves apart and the naked reality is fast approaching whatever it is it looks like. Hence big cities decaying and so much technology that could've been good has gone to shit.
If anyone told me how different the world I was born in would've been I'd call them a big fat lier as I couldn't imagine big cities EVER being dangerous in the day time.
Yes there was always the bad neighborhood at night to avoid by talking to the locals but you didn't need to have a gun on you 24/7 you just didn't go there at night and by night I mean well past when most businesses close kind of night. IE: 10pm 11pm.
If you want to even download old PC games (starting in the 16 bit era) up to one with DLC's now unless it's hosted on Ourchive (I am not sure if spelling it correctly would get me banned) other websites are all broken now with no one maintaining/making new ones. The internet is all the same old stupid anti Trump (Look how mean he is!) shit now circling around the drain as things are constantly taken out of context and anything bad about Biden gets quietly removed.
Hell even Ourchive is sketch in some uploads in recent years with incomplete downloads where you may just get weirdly named extension files that can't be mounted or ran in any way. The web has somehow become a Biden vs Trump one sided debate machine we are all expected to just believe.
Sorry if this sounds like a Retconned post.
There's so much supernatural shit going on both physical and digital where things randomly break/work don't work or your blocked in various ways or even just have synchronincies work against you people who try to get anywhere now can't so they give up.
It feels like the old methods of gaining positive attitudes/karma is either not working or blocked by some higher power we have yet to decipher.
The biggest problem for most is it's now even impossible to even rent a cheap shoebox unless you are lucky to have rich parents to give you a head start as entire housing projects are ran by corrupt Chinese landlords as capitalism rapidly breaks down China is taking full advantage of it. I don't know how they have figured it out but as each arm of capitalism is cut off they seem to benefit almost overnight.
If the young people are 'lucky' by some divine force and have access to guns at home they can 'do something' about it by giving God the five fingered fist with a few quick blasts of their shotgun and their mouths.
Remember in their minds it DOESN'T F'KING MATTER if they die or not the world is f'ked beyond recourse so they are going to go out with a bang and hopefully as a bonus force someone to make changes to the system.
It's become to the point that guns are such a very coveneant tool now now just handy to have as the world has gone down the shitter both physical and especially digital to release/vent their frustrations.
Again sorry this sounds like a bizarre Retconned post but the world situation is totally f'ed up in supernatural ways with a drive wheel governing it.
Whenever I ask a question I get no notice but it seems memes and news gets 100s of upvotes which I bet they all happen at once in an insanely inhuman speed. I am wondering if they are paid trolls or AI bots where most of this site is just that? I notice they are all news memes now just stupid sound bites.
The ice age alarmists will convince you how Kold it is everywhere cherry picking stations that are in the mountains or foothills with perfect environment support under a cold front/trough while not telling you their backyard is also above 2,000 feet.
The warming age alarmists will ALSO convince you we are burning up by showing urban heat island stations (and in some cases they are right our summers last longer like the last 4 here in Oregon) which used to be a 1 in every 10 year event.
Seattle WA even has more 100F days then they used too which was almost none. The handful of 100s they've had all occurred after 1990 yet they want policies that will not only not solve climate change but make us be broke so we cannot innovate.
It seems they can do things now like pick up full sentencing structures and I want to know how they can figure that out as the AI I remember only picked up keywords with a lot of false positives. Now I've notice a lot less false positives and it's all against the right or anything they deemed 'revolutionary'
Live TV is doing it too where during a Trump debate recently when he was saying a keyword some weird rock and roll music started to play which I first thought someone brought in a stereo boom box but nobody in the audience was looking towards it to figure out the direction of the sound as that would definitely get people to notice. It's something you DON'T do.
Then furthermore they kept putting this Chinese knitting lady knitting something covering up certain parts of it. To be fair this started with the radio show hosts where during certain segments back in the 2010s they'd suddenly 'lose signal' no matter how close or far you are. When commercials came suddenly it was crystal clear and only on conservative talk hosts that actually started to rock the boat.⛵..
Somehow while the Republicans were asleep the lefts have all gotten these fancy new fangled speed🚤's going and are revving their engines real mean.
I think something snapped in 2020 and it has gotten on steroids. I wish to believe it's the same as always but there are certain things that just stand out that take way too long to post here and above the pay grades on here.
Now most places have blocked a ton of keywords all leaned towards the right wing and anyone they associate as getting close to the creator that try to live it rather then be livid.
In fact it's on live TV now, When Trump was having his last debate every so often during live keywords they kept showing this 'Chinese knitting lady' interrupting the feed only on that channel and during key parts of the debate. I think it's a way of censoring key words and I don't know if everyone watching it gets that interruption, or if they are targeting 'Conservatives' or specific groups of people because if they can go that far that' a VERY scary sign of how advance they actually are.
I know MS Bing can detect sentencing structure now despite no one mentioning it I think the AI has gone beyond just keywords now. and live TV is SOMEHOW able to pick it up. Not sure how though.
Has anyone ever had a staircase or weird elevator trip that defies physics in a cleanest state of mind as possible to minimize internal influences. On R/No Sleep someone compiled a post of them mostly from 'I'm a ranger' kind of post so I wonder if anyone has any stories either documented or otherwise that isn't a drug addict "I smoked too much' which would definitely influence what you see as it literally does rewire your brain/heart overtime which I won't get into here.
So far people who don't smoke no crap tend to not see no crap though going thru surgeries I think could also be some sort influence but not as long term as your brain isn't being fully rewired to the core.