Biden said: "We’re going to end cancer as we know it. Mark my words." What does he mean by this? I know Moderna and Pfizer are working on mRNA cancer 'vaccines'...is Biden hinting at another injection?



I can't reconcile this: if the vaccine is nefarious in nature, why is the state of Israel at the forefront of adopting it?

The powers that steer the world are Jewish: media, government, business...thus it would make sense that if this vaccine were nefarious then the state of Israel would be excluded from it due to the link between Israel and the rulers of the world....but the opposite is true.

So why is Israel adopting the vaccine?



Rothschild, the legendary family behind the central banks, including the Federal Reserve, have a street named after them in Israel.

What are your predictions for the future? Serious replies only. Put your predictions in writing so we can reference them when they come true. The more specific the better.


Hypothetically, If irrefutable evidence surfaced indicating NSA/CIA had a backdoor into windows and could see everything on your computer:

(A) Would this information even get out to the average user? Is our media so controlled that this information would never surface? Suppose a whistle blower had irrefutable documents that the NSA/CIA confirmed or refused to refute.

(B) Would the average user care or take action? Is the average user so NPC'd/beaten down that they wouldn't give a shit? What would they do? Microsoft has a monopoly.

Curious to hear your thoughts.


To me it appears the USA is in significant economic decline...I see many empty store fronts and closed businesses. In light of all this, the government is using COVID to take away civil liberties.

My question: is the government propping up the stock market to placate the population and keep them from revolting? The average citizen sees that his 401K is exploding, thus while he observes complete economic collapse around him he believes he will be OK in the end because of all the money he has generated through investments. Thus the average citizen believes he will have an economic future ahead of him due to the stock market climb.

I'm no economic expert and this is merely a theory that came across my mind.