PositiveNegative -4 points ago +1 / -5

Yeh great work retard, sounds like you've just repurposed some other issue for your confirmation bias.

If you have papers saying there is protein shedding from the cell surface link it.

There's no question the vaccines can just infect whatever cell it wants based on chance, but that doesn't mean there's just spike proteins floating throughout the fucking body, mRNA is injected in a cell and that cell produces the spike on it's surface. It's based on chance WHICH cells are injected produces different problems, such has ovaries / heart / nerve.

The rest is just you just running away with your retard logic.

Yep so based on your edit you have no clue what you're talking about, you don't seem to understand that the protein is produced on the surface of the cell, not loose in the body. The science never said that it the mRNA would HAVE to infect the cells closest to the injection site, they just assumed that based on random chance, that it wouldn't likely travel that far for most people. A wrong assumption.

The cell has the spike on it's surface, the immune system attacks that cell, not the spike protein, because it's not a separate thing floating in your body.

PositiveNegative -1 points ago +3 / -4

Do these proteins split from the surface of the cell that is infected to produce it? I assume with a limited amount of mRNA only a certain number of cells can be transformed, is this just luck of the draw if it goes into your blood and then say transforms heart cells instead of say just some in your arm?

If by No 3. you mean anywhere rather than everywhere? Going back to my point above only certain number can get the mRNA to produce these proteins right, which are supposedly created on the cells surface right?

If you can link any papers that say the cell can shed the protein that would be great. I assume this is probably along the lines of DNA integration with viral vector, I see they caveat 'Can't change your DNA' with 'We haven't seen any evidence of integration' rather than it's an outright impossibility.

I assume the issue is that this process is assumed 'safe' in a person with a properly functioning immune system, they say the cell should be deleted in 10~ days, and yet people have their own cells mutate into cancers without immune intervention all the time.