I think I’ve figured something out I’d like to share. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed it’s how the Bolsheviks/Communists/Leftists/“them” prefer to operate. They much prefer to use silent weapons. They would rather fight quiet wars. It’s very similar to what JFK said and I think he too was fighting the same forces - “ For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.”

They operate by covert means. Instead of bringing an army to fight, they’d much rather open the floodgates and bring in immigrants to destroy the sovereignty of a society they hate. They use other people to fight their wars. How do they do this? Through manipulation and blackmail. Their power lies purely in their covert means. I know I keep saying that but it can’t be overstated. Covert. Covert. Covert.Manipulation. Blackmail. Subversion. Infiltration. Their subversive nature makes them good at propaganda. As we know they control all the mainstream means of propaganda today. This has allowed them an insane amount of control over the populace. Whether it be the movies and tv people watch or controlling an algorithm on Google. It could be Controlling your feed on Facebook assuming you still use it. It allows them the power to censor. Censorship. There’s another word to add to the library. All their means of fighting wars is based on deception. There’s another one. What does deception mean? To hide the truth. They are people who are anti truth. Everything I’m saying can be tied back to these people being anti the truth. The subtle queues they put in their shows to make you believe a certain thing? Not the truth. The pornography they create? It’s not real. It’s not true. It’s fake. Censorship? It’s meant to hide or conceal the truth. When they deceive you into going to fight a war for their own gain, not yours it means they caused you to believe something that isn’t true in order to gain an advantage from doing so. They use subversion to undermine the authority of management or system put in place. So they do that by subverting the FBI, for instance. We grew up believing the FBI did the greater good and kept us safe. By subverting that institution, they’ve made our belief in that institution a lie. By subverting our democratic process of voting, they’ve made our belief in it a lie. By Subverting our institutions of higher learning, they’ve made our children believe lies. Does it all start to ring a bell? By Blackmailing a politician, they essentially make said politician lie. He may want to vote one way but he is then blackmailed to vote another way. His or her vote was a lie.

By turning a man into a woman, they are making that person believe a lie. They even take it a step further: they are making society lie to that person. Many of those people are pressured into lying to themselves since deep down they know it’s a man. Communism keeps people in line by making people lie to oneself.

Does it make sense how they exert control? It’s all one form of a lie or another. So that brings up the question: how do we fight it? We fight it by telling the truth. Truth shines a light on their darkness. Like touching an electric eel, they must react. Because it’s painful to them. But there’s more. The way to beat them is not at their own game. No, we don’t stoop to that level. We cannot wallow in shit with the pigs for then we become a pig. We beat them our way. Through overt means. Armies by day. We’re not going to win in the courts. We’re not going to win in the ballot boxes. The only one to shut down the propaganda wings is by physically removing them. With force. The only way to have a healthy election again is to remove the parasite - by force. If it’s still there, to do the same thing over and over again is madness. How do you deal with someone who tries to intimidate you? You sock them in the mouth. What do you with someone who infiltrates your group? You physically remove them. What do you do when someone censors you and prevents you from speaking? Exactly. You know the answer. They are creatures of the dark. The way to beat them is by fighting them in the light. They cannot win that way. So long as we refuse to do that, the darkness will only continue to increase and one day it will consume us.