*An apology is in order, as it seems yesterday's torrent didn't work properly.

I have rectified the issue, a new torrent has been uploaded, and have confirmed it's now working as intended:


It would seem the torrent creator I used yesterday was out of date, and peers ended up stalling.

Sorry, that won't happen again.

Happy downloading.


I'm the guy that a while ago uploaded a large Bill Cooper collection to archive.org that just got tore down.

Not sure why, but that's okay, because I also have it available as a torrent:

Not lost - just a bit harder to find.

Bonus: It includes all Extra material that I had to leave out from archive.org.

Hope it can be of use.



Back in the day this little nugget sparked some of the first debates on deeper aspects regarding our interstellar neighbor.

It's relatively short, only 170p long, and is compiled with most of the "weird" observations and documentations spanning back the last few centuries.

One of the earliest observations was made with a 10 inch telescope in 1587; Reports long-lasting lights (5hrs) on at least two occasions, ("Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society") - (p16),.

Other reports include lights flashing, hovering and moving on the lunar surface. Observations made by Soviets/Russians and Americans and their programs in the last century (with transcripts) are included.

Reviews for more

It wasn't cheap, and to be honest; I'm not quite done with it yet either, but I early realized it's the perfect thing for the Conspiracy Underground.

Either way you look at it; it's a fun read.

I haven't found it anywhere online, and seeing it's re-sell price touch the $150-mark these days, I scanned it.




Follow-up book:


It's colour-scan, 150dpi (scaled down from 300), and 43MB.

I can scale it down some more if anyone finds it too large - just hook me up in the comments.

PS: I don't have a t0rrent account anywhere, so if anybody have one, feel free to upload it somewhere.

I'll be seeding indefinitely, but any help seeding is appreciated.


Original link:


It's a lot of info, but fundamental to understand this is anything but a "vaccine".

Password is included in .zip:

  • Moses


In 2015, I officially begun collecting various Cooper material for the purpose of sorting and compiling.

It was arduous work... Each individual file had to be located in the hidden corners of the internet, best copy then had to be re-acquired, date had to be found, some files needed edit, and lastly treated; Filename, file info (tags), embedded images, sorting by date - and then uploaded somewhere.

Now, 6 years later - it's done.

I then set out to do the gentlemanly thing, and contact HOTT, sharing the project with them and asking their input.

Since they still host the main Hour Of The Time *.mp3 files, and also have higher quality for sale, I would at least have their voice heard.

I was pretty open about it, giving them chance to say yay or nay, or have me edit info to their liking.

This was January 1st, 2021 - and I set out not to publish the url anywhere - and let them have their say.

A couple of days later, I got response they/he wasn't happy about it (having it hosted anywhere else), and contacted a lawyer to have their input. This was mainly due to a trust Mr. Cooper set up for his daughters; to collect revenue from sales.

It's been 20 years since his passing (RIP), but that's how it is.

I have since waited. And waited. And have not heard back from them again. No "delete it", nor "prepare for lawsuit" - but I have a bad gut-feeling they might decide to have the entire thing pulled. I also wonder if this is another reason (beside censorship...) why all Cooper content is so hard to find these days.

In case they request I pull it, I will uphold a gentleman's agreement.

But darn if I'm gonna let 6 years of work go to hell without at least an option for someone else to make a backup.

So I've decided to go against my original take on it: "keep it off the books - don't publish it - just see how it goes", and rather publish the url this once - here in this forum exclusively:

It also features a few episodes (XXXXu - [Date] - (unlisted) [Filename].mp3) not even available on hourofthetime.com, plus over 300 alternative versions.

You know what to do. It's about 35.7GB.


Back in 2011, Michael Tsarion held a seminar in Melbourne, Australia, which for my own part, is a gem.

It's very, very long - more than 6hrs, so brace yourself, but if you have a pen and paper, and take some notes along the way, you'll end up with some of the best quotes throughout history meshed together in an attempt to describe what I think have come very close to fruition today.

-And the way out of it.

Bare in mind, this is Psychology 101, and there are yet other factors to consider that's arrived since then, which aren't good for anyone's health.

These particular factors should be included in analysis, but regardless, I find this particular video from MTsar a true treasure, so why not share it.


And since the time is abound;

Merry Winter Solstace everyone.

May 2021 be a better one.