CryptoBros then: "were staunch libertarians who want to end the Fed and have a private currency removed from government overreach"
CryptoBros now: "can't wait for daddy government prop the price of ma' coin with his reserve"
CryptoBros then: "were staunch libertarians who want to end the Fed and have a private currency removed from government overreach"
CryptoBros now: "can't wait for daddy government prop the price of ma' coin with his reserve"
They exchange real currency for a unit if nothing, then buy bonds with said money... Earning the yeilds for themselves... Bankrolling our federal debt...
All while telling you "US baNkRupTCy + InfLatIoN + MoNey PriNtiNg = HaRd AsSeTs and No BoNds"
I legit have to respect game on this grift.
It's incredible.
They're literally generating free money for themselves from the aether.
**By aether, I mean future tax payer, but with more steps.