MyOtherUserName 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's called do your own research. I'm not going to spoonfeed you. You must be a Gen Z'r. I don't have time to babysit you lazy assholes.

MyOtherUserName 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's a perfect God and once he set the laws in motion of seed, time, and harvest, He has done nothing to interfere with a person's choice to sow a seed and reap a harvest, good or bad. He's perfect, so not a lawbreaker. He will however use loopholes in order to achieve an end for the greater good, but it's perfectly legal. He could have created everyone the same way like He created Adam and Eve, but He chose a better way, in that humans would have a connection/unconditional love by being born. It would be rather pointless to force everyone to be obedient robots and force Himself and goodness on us against our will, so He gave us freewill. Even knowing we would misuse it, He still gave it. No one wants to be forced to love someone they don't. And He's not going to force a person to live in His house (heaven) so if you don't love Him and goodness, you don't get to live in His house and there is only one alternative option, and that's hell. He won't send you there, you'll choose on your own accord to go there. There's only 2 options of an eternal place to reside when your physical body dies. I suggest choose wisely. Eternity is a long time, longer than time itself. God is willing to forgive even the most vile sinner, as He wishes no soul should perish. He's not talking about the physical body, but rather the soul. Vengeance belongs to the Lord and those who sow seeds in such vile things will be punished unless they can have their harvest fail (true repentance) before punishment takes place. Some will be too late. So, obviously protect the children, but the Lord is the one to judge the soul. It's the devil who uses people to achieve his disgusting goals and some people knowingly follow him to do his bidding and others are easily manipulated by him. So in effect, rapists etc need deliverance. You can count on the Lord issuing proper justice though. It is however, on His timing, not ours.

MyOtherUserName 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's actually been proven by scientists who have no interest in proving the bible correct that the earth is young and oil is produced about every 4 years. You just won't see their data due to the narrative of lies being pushed by Satan's minions in order to brainwash people that evolution is a thing and not God creating everything. You can do a search for the earth videos as they do exist. The scientists who push the big bang theory have zero scientific data to back up their claim. By simple logic one can deduce the scientists are liars in that... everything that exists came from nothing, but now, all of a sudden, everything must come from something. It's just horse manure. You can draw a dog on paper in it's most detailed design or make a model of one, but you will never be able to make it come to life. We have a supernatural God and woe to those who choose not to believe.

Science one time said to God, let's have a contest. And God said okay what are we going to do? Science said we're going to make a human. God said okay. So the scientists went over to their area and started gathering up the dirt, and God said hold on, you must get your own dirt. Well, that ended that debate.

MyOtherUserName 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually the earth is 11,784 years old. You have the 5,784 years since Adam's creation plus the 6,000 years of creation prior to that. The 2nd half of 7 years or 1,260 days officially began on May 7th, 2023. In the book of Revelations, the 2 winesses are referring to the Apostles and Prophets in this time and they will be declaring and decreeing until October 18th, 2026. After that, then the antichrist will be able to come on the scene. There will be no "rapture" and if you're on God's team, then you'll have nothing to worry about. Only the wicked get punished.