Religion is the new fad that they will continue to beat until the normies get wise. It seems like usual, religion has a tendency to cause previously sane people to act crazy. I would argue far moreso than with covid when realised.


I am not fully sourced and cannot provide any citations at this time, but something tells me a deeper dive will expose my hunches as truths.

I am convinced that people are obese because they are being poisoned. Not from overeating solely. Specifically, I believe that there are many trace poisons all throughout the products being sold as 'food' and that it is causing massive levels of poisoning to occur which is just accelerated by overeating.

The fact that they include additives to make the food taste unlike its natural constituents combined with known poisons being added discretely we are getting fatter and fatter. Because fat is actually not just an energy storage mechanism. Fat is a protective barrier and provides a lipid shield to protect the body from absorbing the harmful substances.

Many animals as they get older acquire hard fat lumps and mostly these are in animals which have liver damage or kidney or some other issue because they cannot clean their blood properly and are being poisoned beyond their ability to heal.

I believe that most of all food being consumed when it is not prepared from raw ingredients is contaminated and causing the inflammation to make their bodies generate fat for protection. This in turn fuels a massive economy (since the 80's) around fixing the issue through subscriptions that do not actually address the poisoning.


I have realised that eBay runs the same kind of algorithms that social media does.

They are tracking and personalizing the feed for you....but it's even worse than just normal tracking

eBay is whale hunting.....

They are committing a crime and actively using their algorithms to hunt out whales and to extract as much money as possible from them without being noticed.

They are committed a major crime and fraud should be investigated because they are hiding posts which have the same items for lower value to extract higher fees from the purchase based on machine learning.

They track and spy on your budgetary allowance and then they hide anything too cheap which is lower than they think you may pay even if a cheaper option is available...then they will artificially raise the prices and manipulate the listings for 'discounts' which are still higher than other available options.

They are not just doing it based on your purchase history but also when you look at a product it gets priced and that price affects your window ....

Try this out......look up something you normally would buy for cheaper prices that you know the fair value on.....then look for the pricier listings and click them and click only the pricey stuff and nothing in y The normal price range...add to your cart and then watch as you suddenly are inundated with more eand more expensive items beyond the fair price that are 'competive' with the very high priced item you added to you cart.

Censorship is being weaponized by all sides....but not in the way you think.

They are censoring your content right now....if you use any big tech social media platform (ANY!)

It is censored media....they are trying to say stuff like ' they want to censor tiktok', understand that it is censored....already

Censorship is not the same thing as people think it is...most people believe censorship makes things 'disappear' and not be found ... But the truth is that censorship is showing two people different images and then asking them to discuss the similarities without knowing what image the other person saw ...

They are communicating about the same 'thing' but have completely different ideas about what that thing is....that is ability to have a discussion in the first place because you have completely different experiences and the data is shown differently to you

Ex) You go to a night club that everyone races about. It's unique it requires that you enter alone 1 at a time and take an elevator up. There are different exits in the club that elevators go to so you always not sure which one you will get and even if you go with a group they split up.

So you go and have a good time but cannot seem to find your friends. The next time same thing. You have a good time but cannot find your friends. Then you go again and a crazy thing happens and you still can't find your friends but you see them the next day and ask them about their thoughts about the crazy event. They look at you confused. They saw nothing, where were you? Your confused because it was so noticeable that how could they miss it?

The truth....there are multiple clubs in the same building and each one is duplicate of the others and when you go up you go to different clubs entirely based on your background credit check........they weren't even partying with you.....that is modern social media.


To fight TPTB, you will need a support group. The best way to have a support group and fight back is to replace their support systems that TPTB control and replace them with your own people.

Now the problem is that for 10-15 years TPTB have done everything in their power to silo, confine, isolate and exclude people from their own groups of support.

We have been plagued by identity politics, CRT, sexual manipulation and a constant barrage of demoralizing propaganda.

The goal is to erode our systems of culture and our past.

They realised that they could import a bunch of foreigners whom they had already manipulated and use them to attack the last free Bastion of hope....

Western Values.

The solution is simple. Start clubs. Private clubs, small groups, meetups, events, and make them western value focused.

Promote your own culture! Don't trust the parasites to do anything but devour it.....we must do what they do..... exclusive clubs for those who are European western value not hire non believers......start doing what the foreigners do.....two lists.

Foreigner pricing....and local pricing....

Please provide your personal view on an ideal future set over the next 20-25 years.

If you could 'reasonably' have a future of your liking without ignoring the past which cannot be changed, and keeping in mind that you are god and cannot change things are will either. What would your ideal future look like?

Feel free to go further too, but first flesh out that 20-25 years.

This doesn't have to be too practical either, and as long as it is technically possible, feel free to include those ideas, but I am interested in hearing all your various views on an ideal future.

Preferably go into detail on any systems that change from today


The only solution to fix this world's problems are with peaceful noncompliance and new innovations that are done outside of their systems.

No bank loans, no private funding from BlackRock like companies for one. Start new private credit unions and drain mney from the big banks.

Insurance....same deal. Avoid it, and get it privately through independent unions. Start up insurance unions where members are owners.

Farmers markets....but avoid the fake stalls which are just fronts for the big growers. Local butchers and if you know someone who hunts, ask to perhaps buy some meat from them.

Mechanics needs to start open sourcing their distribution channels and getting after market parts more easily manufactured by independent third parties. Avoid dealership locks and get away from smart systems that are not open source.

Manufacturing and trades need to be setup, so that requires logistics. Truckers are valuable for this while larger infrastructure can be developed in partnership with different regions on a system.

The goal should be to innovate beyond this world as it is. We need to establish better standards of living, improved culture, better technology, and entertainment needs to be highly available and quality. We need to have systems of cohesive character yet distinct and celebrate the worlds difference.

Ultimately we should all want to have a better world for ourselves and the world at large. It is never a zero sum game and anyone who thinks so doesn't appear to understand what that phrase means since it clearly has shown throughout history however flawed it is, that we have anything but a zero sum game....

I'm sick of doubters everywhere, and I am sick of people looking to try and manipulate people for their selfish aims. I am looking for the <1% of people who are visionaries and executive champions. I am calling on 1/20 of the 1/20 people who are out there....0.25%

The only ones who make the decisions that change the the tide not the wave

Finally makes sense. They are coded double meanings. They mean Islamic Jihadists, but they scapegoat white people.

It's so clear. It's designed to get white people to inadvertently help jihadists .....

And for jihadists to hide behind white people like they do innocent civilians


I realised that all the dei shit is the same thing as selling certification programs, life coaching, one page website, and life hacks. The people running that crap moved into DEI.

The same thing they have in common is that they all package up information that is freely available and sell it with hyperbolic marketing.

They 'rate' companies on different factors, then sell the ratings.....the 'rate' is just looking up their executive Leadership and then ethnographically mapping them to different categories......some probably also sell the certificate through a pay to play model, but it's really no different than selling life coaching. It's life coaching for business.....

Once people realise they will run from it like the life coaching which I think we are seeing now. Companies have been taken by hacks and now need to step back and try something new ...but they are embarrassed so the smarter ones who realised they were had are quietly trying to back peddle before the whole thing is discovered.

This isn't even something really profound or even a deep conspiracy. I think they actually are just half getting played by the newest scam. Companies always get scammed in new ways.

I originally thought it was more nefarious, but I am starting to think it is just a get rich quick scheme for larger scale operations.

I feel like culturally....I want Jews to succeed against the Muslims.....they have the better culture....but neither culture is better than the Christian number one is the way of Christ...then the Jews....then way down the bottom.....Islam.


Told ya so ... (
posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality

There was a lot of noise about 10-4 being the date something would happen and so much was obviously control opposition and a distraction, but what if the point was not the theories but whether they were signalling something else.

10-4 means 'understood' and usually is the last communication before executing orders.

What if that was the signal to start the conflict. They had a set delay between communication and it was to be called off if there was any problems, but it was confirmed and ago.

9-11 also occured with the help of training exercises.

I saw this translated poem recently in relation to Sun Wu Kong (The Monkey King) who was said to have achieved many legendary feats including immortality and even defied heaven itself and chose instead to claim equal status to heaven.

Part of the steps were to achieve immortality which is claimed he was taught the secret by Taoist monks. The secret was said to be the following:

"This bold, secret saying that’s wondrous and true: Spare, nurse nature and life—there’s nothing else. All power resides in the semen, breath, and spirit; Store these securely lest there be a leak. Lest there be a leak! Keep within the body! Heed my teaching and the Way itself will thrive. Hold fast oral formulas so useful and keen To purge concupiscence, to reach pure cool; To pure cool Where the light is bright. You’ll face the elixir platform, enjoying the moon. The moon holds the jade rabbit, the sun, the crow; The tortoise and snake are now tightly entwined. Tightly entwined, Nature and life are strong. You can plant gold lotus e’en in the midst of flames. Squeeze the Five Phases jointly, use them back and forth— When that’s done, be a Buddha or immortal at will!”


If I were smart, I would grab as many maps (especially nautical, topographical, and regional maps) from different places, and times.

These days they are online mostly, but like all stuff online, it can be faked or modified.

The more authentic the better. I also advise gathering digital copies and photos of those which you cannot and not necessarily for sharing since others will be just as likely to discount you as the forgeries.

But for you own knowledge and those around you who trust and know you.

Space is not what we think, earth is not what we think. The earliest and most powerful tools people had for knowledge transfer were maps.

Images were drawn in sand, explained in landmarks, and references to vague measurements were used long before we had a common foot, or yard.

I would not doubt that poems have been used as maps, and all manner of other things too. But essentially those who create maps are either passing on knowledge or lies.

Most maps are inaccurate that we recognize, and only local regions are truly accurate.

But more importantly, maps program our minds or beliefs and they train us Everytime we look at them. So be very careful to avoid maps which are not based in truth. Your mind is programmed worse than you know.

This is straight schizo sounding - so no need to comment if that is all you are going to say, because I have already said it. This is just my own paranoid idea.

Is there a weird natural equation - like a chemical equation which requires that certain people, certain things, and events happen with a rough localized probability?

Is it likely that you will always show up more likely on certain times and days than others, and is this something which is affected like a chemical equation - you can add or remove elements and it will either speed up or slow down certain reactions.

OR am I being spied on using nano-tech?

The reason I say this second part and tie it with the first, is because for weeks straight - I have been harassed daily by a single solitary fly. I have killed this fly about 6 times so far, managed to get it outside a few times, and I have even trapped multiple and then disposed of them.

BUT every day - another one shows up around the same time of the day, and sticks around until I kill it, etc....

I am on the 7-8th or maybe even keeps happening. Sometimes I cannot remove the fly so it sticks around - bothering me until I kill it.

It tends to fly around me when I am at the computer, or on my phone....or working on something at my desk. It ignores food. It ignores the light, It ignores the door, windows, etc....just harrasses me for hours.

I never have any more than just a single solitary fly at a time. They are always the same, and I swear they are actively coming for me.

I have a theory this is some kind of new kind of surveilance system or this world runs on some seriously buggy code.


There are so many things you can talk about here with no one commenting. Then there are the trigger topics which cause the robots to come alive, and the trolls to spew.their bile.

But there are topics which are never posted...never come up, and never seem to get attention.

A random link maybe gets through....but then nothing...usually silence. Not even mockery.

I wonder....why these lines in the sand? Why are there some topics that this place is scared to talk about?


I watched this video from Dr. Greer who tends to do lots of UFO related content.

He claims to have met people who have zero point energy, anti Gravity, etc.

He also is a spook.

If you watch him, it's clear that he is a controlled op run by the US military. He is likely there to identify people who discover technology and then have them taken out by making him appear as a safe / protected scientist.

He has met almost as many or more suicides and hits than Clinton....

He sells the stories to get funding and to spread his material which is partially to fuel the op, but also to make him have skin in the game and appear like he is part of the community.

The truth is. He is placed to make it look like the UFO/Space/Satellite stuff is what it is, and that there is all this special 'alien' tech.....but reality is that he silences new breakthroughs and he covers for the military industrial space complex.

He is part of the NASA scam. He is also part of the Hegelian tactic of flat-earth vs UFO vs Energy /Tesla

We all know they rig the financial systems to control 'citizens' within their countries and we are essentially content (USA included) with saying that we are not allowed to go to 90%+ of the world we were born on unless we have a bunch of bureaucrats determine its allowed and sell out our selves for passports which we need to renew and now are going to likely tied to our social credit so even when you are on vacation you are tracked....

But hey...this about something else. We have been lied to about our time. Like actual time. They didn't just steal our Real Wealth and replace it with fiat....they stole our calendar, our clocks, and our dates and consequently our entire connection with the earth, holidays and our own birthdays....

We have been robbed since birth not just with money....but money and time.....we have so little truth. Our history is a shatter vase.

I just checked my city's historical data and adjusted the necessary number of days to find the true number of days and the true season....looks pretty compelling. I checked the year I was born in with adjusted date that would be relative to today In that year and then looked at the historical weather patterns. They are very very close despite being many weeks of difference what you would expect....unless the year is 364 days

I had a bit of a left-field thought today. Have they intentionally screwed with the calendars to promote the idea of climate change, global politics, and to disconnect people from the sky, stars, and their natural environment.

I propose that the length of the true year is between 360-364 days in length. I think 364 is the most likely.

364 / 28 = 13

There are 28 days to the moons cycle, and this would break nicely into 13 lunar months. I think we are supposed to use the moon to tell dates and time alongside the stars, not the sun.

The sun is being used to throw everything off. It's part of their solar worshipping. They changed the calendar to be solar and adjusted to make it fit, but the sun was never supposed to be used for time keeping.

It is causing an extra 1.25 days every year to shift the actual seasons around. Very subtle, and not really enough to notice except over a lifetime - which would only be corroborated with at least 60+ years to truly notice as your idea of the months would be respective of your birth year.

This was likely done around the 1700's and would have coincided likely with the American/french revolution (revolve) and it pushed the ideas to the forefront of society.

Since this would result in approximately 100 years seasonal shifting, you could setup narratives for climate change (cooling and heating) because they are being told that December is supposed to be a certain way when in fact it's supposed to be tracked with 13 lunar months instead.

People frequently these days are relying on social media and the internet such as here for communication of important ideas, but then forgetting to disseminate it in other mediums.

Online is great for trends. You can push something out, it can go viral, and then you can get a broad audience....but a broad audience is not a well-informed audience, and they typically are not a deep audience.

If you want a deep audience, you need to have more than just online content. You need to start to publish physical copies too. Physical copies can be retained, lost and forgotten but then refound, discretely shared, copied, etc and redistributed back onto the web through unboxings, reviews, criticisms, etc.

Having a physical object also means it's a tangible thing. It has cannot shadow ban a book. So, don't discount the old mediums of paper and ink. Art too.

I need to get deep into something rare.

Tired of these surface reports. I need a real deep dive. I don't need it all packaged up nicely, and I don't need a bunch of links - just one or two solid real deals will be enough I will do the rest of the digging myself.

.I need information on real secret research and corporate secrets involving the hidden lands and secret maps of our world where they are forbidden to make public - some dangerous leaks. There is work that is actually done on novel nano materials and EM control, levitation etc.

Please - I need real shit. Not some 'tesla' energy spaz....I need actual leaked documents and frankly if the person is advertising their name...not interested in their shit.

If this is real, they won't be advertising their names....they won't be looking for shares and they won't be drawing attention. They will leaking it silently for one day to be found....

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