Since we have AI and deep fakes working together, how many of the content we are exposed to is already being generated for our 'Ideal Consumer Profiles'

Perhaps it's not just bots posting links and comments....maybe it's a lot of those pop talks....the ones without faces are the easiest to fake.

Perhaps YouTube is secretly even skipping the middle man. Run their own secret content.

Why would Africa be the 'cradle of civilization'?

Is it because of the countries bordering the Mediterranean? Because Africa seems to be barren and devoid of civilization until the last 200 years....

Why does culture get so much more developed in Europe and North West Asia?

Why does cilture develop so much better in Europe if civilization started in Africa?

Looks like they forgot more than they learned.....

Middle east too....I don't believe it was down their either.....too many wars.... Too much crazy.

Any further information to look into this?

China, India, Russia, BRICs, etc.

Our enemies.

They are currently at war with the west. They have been warring for at least 5-8 years and most likely 10-15.

The war is non-kinetic however they allow them when it suits the purpose. The goal is to unravel Western culture.

They have decided to wedge Islam + Communism + Extreme Feminism.

The combination is designed to destroy our republics. They hate our culture because it is better than there's. They are envious of our history. Of our families. Our past. They want to remove it and make their history seem better and where possible actually steal out history for their own purposes.

1619 / 1409 / Tartaria for example is all Asian propaganda directed to destroy European and American culture and to remove it. .....

Conspiracies are used as attack vectors now ..... It's so easy...

China has full time people working to make it seem like it's all the Jews and the CIA......meanwhile they outnumber 5:1

It's a war....Asia is the enemy......west is best

If you hate the Mullahs, and tired of 'Palestinian' protestors post here for cartharis.

Islam is a terrible culture to should thrown out of our culture and treated like foreign pests and plants....banned from import.

Trump was right. Ban the Islamic countries....they are useless anyways and we don't border their shitty countries, so I don't need to accept their assylum bs

There is a truly magnificent grift that has been going on for years now.

TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) is a market of its own (all sides). Money is made on hating and loving him....the GAW is all controlled to keep the hype up and staunchly defend...

Meanwhile the opposite sides all make money fueling the hate...both sides are's money...made by all

Same thing for the woke vs non woke....Disney investors owns.....some of the anti-disney stuff and all the new 'personalities' are bought and paid for.....

Again...this is how they can justify crappy products....they make money shitting on the product as well...

Nelson Peltz....why do you know that name? Because the 'alt media' wants you to know ..... It's just the opposite side of the coin....

Musk is a great example. Makes money from to be antiwoke....implements globalist agendas....

Notice how it is always 'Palestinian' stuff lately....or its more more Middle eastern mentions....bring back the anti al quaida stuff back....where is George W when you need him...

They are entering the season of sacrifice.

This means that 10 years since Ferguson....

It will be a racial riot this summer unlike anything for decades....

They will target a black mother....

I want to analyse their natal charts. I have a feeling it will likely show their trajectory in their star chart, but only if their birth date and time are accurate.

Based on Readings provided by the comment below. I would say that on election night, it's a race between Biden and Trump, but neither is a sure thing because of Kennedy who disrupts the percentages. I would say that it goes over two days before a decision is made through counting, and possibly contention arises, then it looks like the decision will officially be made later in December when it has been properly milked by all parties.

I notice that all alternate media seems to be related to one another (at least the bigger voices)

Either they are in sync through parroting or they are being directed either organically or artificially.

All the 'good guys' seem to be once again controlled in some way.

I don't want to bash the good messages that they are spreading, but it seems a little too insync. All the pop culture stuff seems eerily they are all cousins.....

Why is it that Ben Shapiro, Gina Carano, Dana White, Joe Rogan, Doomcock, Nerdrotic, Tim Pool, Bud Lite, UFC, Nike, Kanye, Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Joy Reid, Russel Brand, Dr. Phil, etc...

Why are the same celebrities always the source of the information....they constantly call out the MSM (legacy) and yet they also are always pointing to them and shining a spotlight on them or using them for their own content.

Again, it's nice to have some minor support, but it always seems so artificially boosted. All the main voices are always out of some small group who seem to know eachother since way back or suddenly live in the same towns, or's all too weird...

All the media, even the podcasters who are relatively smaller all seem to be in a club when they suddenly are all talking the same way, or they are promoting the same ideas one after another as if to somehow try to each repeat the talking points...or perhaps a few clubs, but the dichotomy seems so artificial to me.

YouTube loves to serve up the chosen dissecting voices, but it is either creating these clubs itself or they are being paid for through ads.

I don't think we can have good media anymore even if we avoid the AI content, it will always be just the select voices....

I would be surprised if someone on here can post something actually quality and niche that is not some sponsored or subscriber based corporation that has established partnerships with these clubs.

Some of the 'fringe' stuff is so small as well. Like the FE community only has a few dozen people who provide source material, so even if it is compelling, no dialogue is evolving around it...because it just ends up with the same content creators owning the space completely.

Ands it's being uswd against us especially...tartaria.... It screams of foreign (non west) invaders trying to claim the greatness of the Greeks, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Celts, etx as theirs....

At the same time....Christians vs Pagans vs Science vs Athiests...and now we have Jews vs Muslims on the side (notice how neither even mentions Christians)

I am not sure what is going on, but the odds are, the internet is not trustworthy, and if it was not written down prior to the should probably be based on something physical for evidence, otherwise it is just story telling....

The problem is that ads are used by all sides to make money and they love saying that advertising won't go near them, but that is not always true and many just hide the advertising better or do a hidden ad.

They have done much to remove physical goods and will continue to do so. The truth is not good for TPTB, but without power, the truth doesn't always set you free either.

We are being ensnared in a false sense of 'winning' and meanwhile they are tinkering away at the processes.

Expect digital IDs still, expect it to come from previously staunch opponents who somehow do not realise the differences are negligible in the new format....and they will use the elections to do it. I definitely disagree with some of you like the plague...but I appreciate that I can have a disagreement and that I get a different opinion.

My belief is that we are just under socialised online, and have a political lense that has been put under pressure from those in our lives such that we are defensive for reasons even unknown to us.

I would really like to hear some of your thoughts without a text-based filter. I am thinking of maybe starting a podcast that can connect random strangers around the world and have them discuss topics that may be controversial.

I would like to perhaps hear from some of you and get a conversation online. Live chat or pre-recorded, but ultimately allow some of us who wish to perhaps explore the topics.....I know we all sound so arrogant on here....I am sure that if we had a real chat it may lead somewhere...

I mean, let's be real for a moment....this place is connected to powerful inside voices....not many but some do I know....some of this stuff is posted here and then a few weeks later shows up or a few days shows up on media sources...

So we either are a conduit or we are a spout....either way....someone feeds us stuff before the media gets it...or we are valuable enough to the media.

I know that my own voice is not important but it does still offer Insight...and I do believe I have something to offer....even if just opinions.

I would love to work with some of yourselves to maybe start an open dialog.

I am if you are worried that I am some kind of spy...well...its canukistan so ... Take it as you will...

I would like to at least try and do more than just send me a message or reply and I wilk reach out...

It would he good to have a list of ideas or I am not I cannot know all or will I be able to offer very good opinions on all topics.

But food for thought.

Everyone talks about Hauwei, but no one is talking about the fact that the leaders in consumer, prosumer, and almost all "action" cameras are coming out of China by private state owned chinese firms.

DJI, Arachi Visions Inc are pushing lots of products that are getting adopted by all sorts of consumers. They are better than GoPro in terms of features, and they are even pushing the build quality beyond the traditional "chinese cheap crap"

It seems to me that they are funding their military through selling drones. The worse problem is that no western companies are even competing well anymore because they all get their stuff built in Taiwan or China anyways.

Western countries need to bring back the real manufacturing if there is hope for the next 10 years and beyond. China builds almost all technology that people are buying, and European and American companies sent all that oversees....

Until we are running the ability to fabricate high quality cameras for mass consumers, and prosumers, the western world will be unable to fund its R&D into better tech, and essentially, China will fund its military development and sell anything civilian back to keep the money flowing.

We used to do this....Our military research used to end up in our hands as cool we don't do anything.

Our culture isn't dying....we gave it away long ago. We need to legitimately rebuild our economy. Everyone in the west has become kind of pathetic imo.

They are either complete luddites and too dumb to understand we need this technology otherwise we will be enslaved by it if we cannot control its real production (ie. Infrastructure and hardware)

The biggest lie was the "service economy" me it sounds like they are turning America into the butler and maid class under the pretense that we will be "designers" and "thinkers".......yeah right. We haven't built things in this country for decades...what knowledge do we possess to offer....

They are converting America in to fast food and call centers.....that is why they want cheap labour....America is not seen as an "intelligent" country any more.

Most of the western world gave it away to China....India....Japan is actually now buying up America.....why....because we are not just falling behind....we are behind, and we cannot catch up for a decade or more.....

All these "Design Firms" are accelerating the problem if they do not manufacture locally. They literally pay to do all the hard work and 'design' stuff, but every time the failures prop up the chinese....then after all the trial and error - we get something....that they now knockoff without paying for R&D...infact...they were paid by our R&D....Like....our country is retarded.


I'm so tired of watching the lies....the faggots in charge need to be fired unceremoniously...exiled and left to either without any eyes on them....

The city councils are just a front to allow for corporate and foreign stooges to take over the communities.

They let in one faggot (usually a dei or racist minority group) and that's the end....the entire community goes to shit faster than a rocket.

My community has been destroyed by globalist shills who parrot the MSM and use fake polls to justify 'public outrage' and all the while making sure to turn the real public against itself by making people afraid to say they don't want foreigners...we do not want your shitty language...your shitty absent values....we don't care your skin colour...but you better prove you know some fucking shit before you come here....the language...the customs especially...and you are second class citizen until you become a real 'label' doesn't mean shit....

You are either included or you a's simple. Join society or gtfo.

We need to stop letting this fake public opinion rule's truly the worst part of the western world...

We let other parts of the world have a say....fuck you! If you are from another country...stay there or prepare to change your values for the new country ....

If you don't...we won't deport you... eventually a gang will come and find you and solve the problem.....that government has created...

Gang wars will erupt because of this shit...

Foreigners....don't fuck up another county...fix your own .


The sudden mainstream coordinated effort to bring back health 'misinformation' and Covid stuff.

It's like suddenly we returned to stories from a few years people forgot about the past waking up and suddenly are back to repeating the same taking points....

Also the DiseaseX thing was old....and it's back again why? Coverup....or just to get some more fear mongering in before flu season is over..... it there round 2 (real virus time??)

Or.... Is that just what they want us to think so we spread around the fear ourseoves?'s actually getting hard to figure out if this is normies forgetting..planned narrative...grifts to make money (pharma or alt)..real information.... combination of those....or....preparing for war....

Anyone wonder if this is just to actually launch against the west....I wonder if China is just preparing...start the invasion once the civil war is almost upon us....


Rolling Blackouts, Brownouts....better stock up on supplies.....

This time of the year I expect to see all sorts of 'My Patriot Supplies' and off grid stuff show up....because it's middle of winter and now is the 'last chance' to buy.....


Same's like the left peddles the right....maybe they secretly help each other like seasonal dependence...


I am sick of the attack against the UK / England / Scotland / Wales / Ireland / Norway / America / Etc...

Colonialism literally brought around a large swatch of culture, civility, and in many ways lifted up a massive amount of the world over. Ultimately, the British empire was part of the problem, but not the culture of the british people. The Anglo-saxon culture was Celtic, Germanic, Aryan lineage and should be proudly displayed.

Are there any places to enjoy such discussions? I tried to use the search engines and they literally are filled with nothing but useless anti-rhtetoric.

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