- My uncle died days after a successful heart operation. They gave him the shot right before the procedure and the doctor felt it went great afterwards.
- My mom is showing signs of mental decline despite no family history of such. Gets sick much more often and has immune system damage making a skin condition worse.
- My sister gets sick all the time despite an otherwise healthy lifestyle.
Lunar Rover video was made with MINIATURES - PROOF
How LBJ Mooned America by Laurent Guyénot, PhD
Unraveling the Epstein-Chomsky Relationship
The Evidence for Antidepressants Causing Mass Shootings
Thought exercise - Prove that nuclear weapons are real
How would an ordinary citizen prove that nuclear weapons are real?
- Haven't been tested above ground since 1963
- Obviously no access to these weapons to prove existence
- Video of early tests appears altered or faked