LeftyTearsWillFlow 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you on this. I was thinking about this not too long ago as well. I will always tell my kids the truth about Trump if it turns out the mainstream continues to lie about him in the years to come. That started to get me thinking about everything else we were told in "history" class as well. I was always one to find history class as something that was "hard to believe" because I was always into "conspiracy theories" all throughout my life. The first time I really started to question things was when I watched the first series of Zeitgeist installments about religion/9-11/etc. I'm not saying Zeitgeist was credible, but it made me think when I first watched it in late middle school/early high school. I was recently telling my brother that it is interesting how the left tries to paint Trump as a Hitler alternative, when in reality, Hitler was producing socialist agendas for his people - the same way the Dems nowadays are trying to do. Hitlers people loved him, from what I read and Hitler did pretty well in terms of their economy, so I can see why those things can be attributed towards Trump, but I always say the Trump represents the "good things" of Hitler, while the left represents the "bad things" of Hitler. They just try to paint everyone with a generalization paint brush and it simply does not work that way.