There’s gonna be a nuke attack in a couple or just one major U.S city, it’s gonna be a 9/11-level attack that’ll traumatize and distract the populace. I believe it’ll be a false flag like 9/11, it’ll definitely be blamed on someone (Iran?), China I don’t think even though a lot claim China to be the U.S #1 enemy. China is probably gonna replace the U.S as superpower. Iran will be attacked by Israel and the U.S through Afghanistan (CIA backed Taliban), Iran will attack Saudi Arabia, China will back Iran, Israel starts expanding it’s borders creating Greater Israel, Israel declares Jerusalem capital of the world and seat of the antichrist as they have destroyed the Aqsa mosque, antichrist creates the NWO and every vaccinated human will become a slave to the antichrist through the mark of the beast. Thoughts?