Krako 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alright see the Federal Reserve is where we can find some common ground. My career is in accounting and finance so it's a particular interest of mine. I agree the creation of the fed has had some very suspicious results. The artificial control of setting interest rates and giving credit to the US gov, not to mention the cozy relationship with banks, has led to almost every market crash since its creation. Fed came out recently and said interest rates will remain zero through 2023. Of course us plebs still have to pay some interest to the banks even if its low, but the banks get it for nothing so they act recklessly in their investments and the market crashes when the bubble pops. Its wealth transfer plain and simple, people with serious money can buy up all the depressed assets in a crash and the common man loses everything. That's one area we agree. Cant address everything else tonight but I do have one question, I did some research on the covid autopsy thing and found several studies involving covid autopsies. Are you saying the WHO said not to do them? I couldn't find anything on that but I may have misunderstood what you were saying.

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

Calling people a shill is also a good way to shut down a conversation and frankly it's quite rude. I dont know if you saw my introductory post to the forum but I am hear to try and understand your point of view and why you see things the way you do. I'm not here to attack anyone or call them names. Please afford me a modicum of respect towards that end. So far aside from like 2 users I've been met with mostly hostility. Being called a lefty, shill, insert buzzword here. I won't do it to you though.

Krako -3 points ago +1 / -4

Alright a bit rude but it seems you aren't interested in a conversation, fair enough. Good day to you sir

Krako -2 points ago +1 / -3

Alright man all doctors are shills right. Bet you would still go to a hospital if you were dying though. Let me give another example. My cousin, 17 years old and a track and field athlete got covid. Was fine mild symptoms for 2 weeks. After the two weeks he had major coronary failure and was checked into my local children's hospital. He got MSI_e a rare side effect caused by covid. Luckily he survived but he has permanent heart and lung damage and cant do track anymore. The common cold doesn't do that. If you honestly think everyone that got vaxxed is going to die then that's already over 200+million in the US alone dead. If that's true then it's already over, society would collapse if that many adults died suddenly. When will this all happen in your mind, 1 year, 10 years, more? At what point will you admit you might be wrong or will you constantly move the goal posts? If I am wrong it will be obvious. Bodies will litter the streets and society will collapse so pretty easy data point to look out for.

Krako -2 points ago +2 / -4

What makes you assume I'm a "lefty"? Also the user I was responding too said every major agency has admitted they haven't isolated covid 19. Well the CDC is a major agency so they are wrong about that. I know conspiracy people obviously wouldn't believe anything coming out of the government I was just disproving that specific point. By the way calling everyone a lefty that you disagree with isn't exactly a great way to start a conversation. I'm a registered independent for your information. The 2 party system is an illusion of choice in this country that it seems you may have fallen for.

Krako -4 points ago +2 / -6

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/lab/grows-virus-cell-culture.html See this tired old talking point posted constantly on here. Isolated in Jan 2020 and virus culture shipped out for study to any interested scientific agency in February 2020.

Krako -9 points ago +3 / -12

In what way is covid a hoax? Like you don't believe it's a real virus? I can understand if you think the government's reaction to it and further expansion of powers was unnecessary and malicious but I just cant take people seriously that think the virus itself is a hoax. What other virus causes people to lose their sense of taste and smell. I never got it but about half of my close circle of family and friends did and this was a common symptom. One of my close friends is also a doctor who worked the covid ward throughout this last year in a metropolitan area and I've been getting my info from him. He has had people being intubated denying they have covid with their last breath before they die. Lots of death he has had to experience this year, young and old. I saw you posted some stuff about Andrew Kaufman but dude is a psychiatrist that lost his job for being a quack and now he is one of those naturopaths snake oil salesmen trying to make a quick buck off gullible people. I mean viruses dont exist? Come on what a load of shit. 200+ million people vaccinated in the US alone already where are the bodies? Your only sources are very low quality sites and blogs. If the vaccine was killing loads of people it would be obvious to everyone you wouldn't even need the news to report it. I, all of my family in town, all my friends, and hundreds of others I know personally all vaxxed all fine. Anecdotal I know but I am not convinced by your arguments.

Krako 0 points ago +2 / -2

Conversely I, 90% of my coworkers. And 100% of my family in town are all vaxxed first and second doses and I have noticed zero changes. At this point millions of people have been vaccinated across the world. At a certain point these changes have to actually manifest or this is all just talk. What is the timeline 1 year, 10, more? When do we start seeing adverse effects.

Krako 3 points ago +3 / -0

Totally agree the real way to battle this is to understand the technology and replicate it for our own purposes. Build servers, create websites that cant ge accessed via conventional browsers. Communication is key and not keeping up with technology will only benefit the government. I would love to unite with this group and create something like this. No offense to Axo but this is what is needed and I hope they come on board with such a solution.

Krako 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for commenting. I definitely dont think most users on here are "hate filled" it's very easy for people to paint with a broad brush and assume someone is a monster for holding certain beliefs. I dont agree with assuming whole groups of people are evil or dumb or whatever. Everyone Is an individual. I see a lot of rhetoric on here painting people with a broad brush like this but that's not me and I will only judge anyone as an individual as they deserve.

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