Karaiman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think that governments should control the content of the internet?

depends, if they ban all the porn and the jewish propaganda and degeneracy, then hell yeah.

Americans have the most freedom and are the most mentally diseased so freedom is not a metric of spirituality nor happiness.

Russia has a true leader, he invaded the JewKraine and called out the war crimes of the kikes. Putin is vilified by the mainstream, look for facts.

Karaiman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro Putin ain't insane. He banned the LGBTQ garbage and the GMOs. His country isn't on the brink of collapse..

Karaiman 2 points ago +2 / -0

I posted about it too. Calin Georgescu is a smart man but his past is dubious - past president of the club of Rome, executive director of United Nations, CEO of the International Institute of Sustenable development (Of Klaws Schwab)..

It's true that he says the truth and there is great injustice done against him. But they also stole Trump's election and Trump is still a zionist puppet... Calin would definitely be a good man and I'd still support him just because he said that the legionaries were the good guys tho.. I'm really wondering if he and Trump will do something about the networks of trafficked children. Both mentioned them. Here - in English, where Calin said it . And as for Trump there's an entire 2 hours exposure called the Fall of the Cabal where they said that Trump will step in to stop it.

The next 5 years will be crazy, if they won't let Calin win I hope that people will be enranged and revolt.. even if he's a puppet it's too weird how they don't let him win as people truly support him. And on top of these he said bitter truths.