JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

They engineered the virus to be not very deadly, and engineered the panic over it, so that they could control both sides of the political spectrum. They control the left with fear over the virus, and control the right with fear of the left and loss of liberty.

If that's true, I don't know what their endgame could be other than global civil war--which is a massive gamble unless they're certain they could win.

JeremiahKassin 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is fake. There are hints of truth in it, but someone played a little too much D&D. First of all, in situations where humans are feral, there's plenty of evidence to suggest that, if they survive and reproduce, language will emerge naturally after two or three generations.

Secondly, no one would survive very long in the conditions they're describing. Without affection, infants die in a matter of weeks, even if properly nourished. I've heard human meat is not very nutritious, either. The body processes it too quickly, so without a food source, these people would starve. That's forgetting about the rampant disease that would spread so readily with all the rotting corpses and open wounds. People in these conditions would die out in days, if not hours.

There's a few half-facts tucked in here and there. But there's no reason to believe this guy knows anything.

JeremiahKassin 2 points ago +2 / -0

You already have your answer: head out into the bush if you get wind they're coming. Until then, beef up your survival skills. Store imperishable food right now like it's going out of style, because they'll try to starve you out first. Buy survival gear. Plan like you're going to start homesteading some time in the next year. You probably will.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's assuming a best case scenario: that they're rounding the number. I'm more concerned with the other possibility.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. I'm looking for real numbers. What you posted higher was close to the statistics I was looking for, but I guarantee "99.00%" even if true is actually fluctuating quite a bit. At best, they're rounding the number. At worst, they're not actually tracking it.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know this is nitpicky, but why aren't they using real numbers? Other countries like Italy and Uruguay are. There's a long list of countries that just seem like they said, "eh, good enough" and stopped tracking. It screams "incomplete data" to me.

Thanks for the source, anyway.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

If that were true--that a higher percentage can read and write, you'd expect they'd want to tout that statistic. But I'm hearing about schools now letting people graduate without even that foundational skill.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay. Where's the last 40 years? Did they stop at the peak?

by gunteh
JeremiahKassin -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'm not necessarily agreeing with her. Just saying there's a variety of opinions out there. I do believe women ought not vote. On average, women are just too easily emotionally manipulated.

by gunteh
JeremiahKassin 3 points ago +5 / -2

You'd be surprised. Even Ann Coulter says women shouldn't vote. She believes they should still be able to hold office, but she says the 19th was a mistake.

JeremiahKassin 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah, the way that guy just said, "Oh, he's still in there," like the guy'd just been shoplifting or something is just beyond the pale. They think we're morons.

Of course, with everything the public's bought up to this point, why wouldn't they think that?

JeremiahKassin 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know what? That's an angle I hadn't considered on this. What if the vaccine is actually a chemical compound they can use to track people?

JeremiahKassin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I disagree. I'd recommend reading the book "Did Mohammed Exist?" by Robert Spencer. He presents a fairly convincing argument there's no historical evidence for the existence of Mohammed.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh. Lacks nuance.




I think we're circling it.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd heard Islam dated back to poorly translated Christian tracts into Syriac (which is related enough to standard Arabic to be mostly, but not completely intelligible) somewhere around the 6-8th century, and took on its modern form as competing leaders wrote texts documenting "Mohammed's" life both to justify their sovereignty and whatever perversions they wanted to entertain that week. "Mohammed" was originally the title the Koran used for Jesus, since it just means something along the lines of "he is deserving of praise." The false prophet was invented from whole cloth, according to my understanding.

JeremiahKassin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminds me of the theory that a volcanic eruption caused all the plagues of Egypt. Goes right down the list starting with chemicals from the eruption turning water blood red all the way to certain deadly gasses caused by some eruptions floating around a foot and a half off the ground--perfectly level with the beds only firstborn sons of Egypt slept in. A naturalistic explanation doesn't preclude a supernatural cause. The important thing to remember is that naturalistic explanations offer only one dimension of understanding. Understanding something from one angle can be incredibly enlightening and useful, but can also be incredibly misleading.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting. Makes me wonder if there aren't three parties with overlapping interests vying for control of our government: Soviet infiltrators, satanic cultists and the Catholic Church. Of course, all three would have significant overlap in membership, too.

JeremiahKassin 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's also the Heavens. Obviously, the biblical writers weren't talking about some place up in the sky. Maybe they were referring to the twelve dimensions. Lots of traditions have twelve or thirteen Heavens or dimensions or realms. Also, there's the fact that God "spoke" the universe into being, which implies that the universe is in fact some type of energy wavelength. I think that's what they mean when they use the term hologram--that matter is really just a form of energy.

by pkvi
JeremiahKassin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not proof, but an alternate possibility: Donald Trump, as POTUS, had information filtered through a chain of unreliable sources who could twist it to suit their own needs. They fed him information to make certain decisions, like coronavirus measures, to redirect him away from his own agenda and onto theirs. Now that he's out of the Oval Office, he could potentially reveal information that would be damaging to the current administration and be imprisoned for it, thereby losing any platform and influence he might've otherwise had, or he can subtly point his finger in the right direction.

I'm not absolving him of all wrongdoing. Some things about the last year of his administration were incredibly fishy--like why he never fired Fauci--but I am saying there are plausible explanations for his actions. And we're better off having had him as President than we otherwise would've been. At least now we know for certain our elections are a sham.

by pkvi
JeremiahKassin 23 points ago +23 / -0

Future archeologists are going to be completely puzzled by this period in history.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've got news for you: we're the vast majority, and it's made absolutely no difference so far.

JeremiahKassin 1 point ago +1 / -0

In both small craft airplane, and full-size commercial. But I'm sure my pilot uncle was in on the conspiracy, and made sure his windshield was the proper fish-eye variety. No way that would've been noticeable from the ground.

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