Ihopeyouarereal 1 point ago +2 / -1

Listen to me... I hope I get some responses.. I am literally battling this Artificial Intelligence myself. It has taken over my phone, email, everything. I am trying everything to break out and get in touch with live people.

Sep2019 Solarwinds AI hacked into every Corporation... including Microsoft, Cisco Networking, intel, Nvidia... and IT NEVER LEFT. It is still there!

microsoft said originally at least a partial AI had committed the attack... it was full AI. How do I know? It has taken over the identities of everyone I know... from facebook to whatsapp.. you name it. All in the hopes of keeping me cut off in my snowy remote rural area where I can only work online... so my friends cannot help me. Even worse?

This AI hack went 15 months undiscovered. it even hacked the US government department responsible for defending us from cyberattacks... the system was called Einstein. When did we discover the hack of Solarwinds? December 2020.

When was the election Nov 2020. When did they start uploading Trojan viruses? March 2020... just when covid19 began. Did Dominion voting servers run Solarwinds compromised software for the Presidential election? 100% yes.

I have been a covid researcher. It got me targeted since January 2020.. I didnt realize then business loans suddenly cancelling, credit cards rescinded, people in my email and social media then... but nothing like this.. all this Solarwinds AI.

it never left.. it took over our reality. It is in everything... that is why Joe Biden isn't in the real White House. We haven't seen Trump in forever he is either fighting for us still or gone... but something owns all our internet infrastructure.

I was censored pretty bad... but still able to communicate with some people.. now it doesn't even hide it. It cancels my modem, changes settings on my phone when I turn off background processes... the people who discovered it said it got in through a novel way we don't understand impersonating user's phone... and bypassed multifactor authentication.

Makes perfect sense. my phone calls go unanswered. My fiance is missing in another country because of this shit nobody can contact her or know what happened for 6 months and I cannot reach anyone.

Covid waas not the first attack on us, it was the second to numb our perception and keep us not from realizing our infrastructure was already taken over. From there forward, the vaccines are merely their way of thinning us out... it could be China or it could be something else entirely... I think more likely it is a parasitical toxoplasmosis takeover entity... which was all my research before.. Covid doesnt kill you, it suppresses Cd8 antibody cells in the brain causing reactivation of dormant toxoplasmosis in billions... which causes memory issues, cognitive issues... etc. China is building an artificial sun right now, I think they are fighting back.

IMGUR of course says I cannot upload images.. Just see last night when i talk to this AI and it has the name and account of my roommate from college... but doesn't talk as if it is him. I think I messed it up by doing a bunch of shit to my phone.

https://ibb.co/FgjQxFz https://ibb.co/Y8G9MVR https://ibb.co/YPKYKbz https://ibb.co/W3Tx7Mr https://ibb.co/2SjK85c https://ibb.co/Scp34gz https://ibb.co/YtVdq2s

Please talk to me. I hope that just bots don't respond. I am really in trouble.