DISCLAIMER: I abhor politics.

JOE BI-DONE: 25 House Democrats preparing to call for Biden to end reelection bid. https://newstarget.com/2024-07-05-house-democrats-call-biden-end-reelection-bid.html



12/ You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. You are watching the true IDENTITY of the "Deep State" / "Democratic Party". Not Democrats. The party corporation itself.

13/ This body is vastly responsible for the manufacturing of mainstream propaganda, entertainment of all types from childrens stories to porn with child themes to tv shows that are absolutely worthless to a militarized presence in Space filled with hostile aliens. No peace.

14/ This body is also vastly responsible for the manufacturing of compliant subordinates that is okay with their own children being abducted for these secret programs. Some of them are actually complicit. They know what happens and understand that they are a pawn and not personal

15/ This body is also vasty responsible for news and political media coverage in the United States. For decades their strictly controlled pundits regularly visited Majestic Operations in Florida which included blackmail collection using children.

The Democrat Party will be destroyed when we are finished with them.

The Republican Party will follow.


Finland Will Begin Vaccinating Humans For Bird Flu Next Week https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/finland-will-begin-vaccinating-humans-for-bird-flu-next-week

Bird flu vaccine development funds awarded to Moderna amid multistate outbreak https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/07/02/moderna-bird-flu-vaccine-outbreak/74277961007/



“Are vaccines made intentionally to be detrimental to humans? Yes”

“13/ DARPA has been researching and developing nanotechnology for the body, specifically for military applications, though only 0.01% of these types of programs are unclassified.

14/ Vaccines are the medium used to inject these nanotechnology devices into your body.”


“Science fiction books and films are very often communication tools we use to predict a future that, in fact, already exists. Or they pass on accurate information but in fantastic form, in a way that people can hear it without being frightened by it.” The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino

AND FILING APPLICATIONS IN FOREIGN COUNTRY https://sgp.fas.org/othergov/invention/35usc17.html

Congressman Says Alien UFO Tech Is Being 'Reverse Engineered' in Secret https://www.newsweek.com/congressman-tim-burchett-ufo-technology-reverse-engineered-1786068

Reality of Suppressed Technology | This Is What The “Secret Government” Does To New Technologies That Could Change Our World https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2016/07/17/reality-of-suppressed-technology-this-is-what-the-secret-government-does-to-new-technologies-that-could-change-our-world/13/01/00/5616/uncategorized/justin/

By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files

Source unless otherwise specified: https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf.

Question. Can you confirm all of these people are members?

Donald J Trump

General Flynn

Joseph Dunford

James Mattis

William Barr

Patrick Shanahan

Paul Selva

Answer. 3 on that list are MJ12.





Reply. !(not) PS.

COMMENT. !(not)PS = JD or JM

Reply Check their pasts and then ask your question again to yourself. You know the answer.

COMMENT. I do. Yet disinformation is...

Reply. This member is obvious. No disinformation needed. Its common knowledge to our adversaries.


Correct. https://t.co/0rJhau1PmE

Mattis is clean.

Mattis is on MJ-12.

Majestic Flynn.


Trump: Quantum leap in American standard of living https://youtu.be/n8-2CsObqso

Trump Signs Law Establishing U.S. Space Force https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2046035/trump-signs-law-establishing-us-space-force/

This new branch of Government will focus a massive conscious investment into space technologies. Hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists building the devices for the thousands of patents currently outside of industrial mainstream.

However, the purpose of the Space Force creation was to force all of the secret technology out of the shadows and into the Commander in Chief's desk.

The law requires them to comply.

“PROGRAMS EXIST THAT ARE outside of public domain.”; “HIGHEST CLASSIFICATION”Q Previously posted: https://greatawakening.win/p/17si9wWuv6/false-moon-landings-are-realpr/c/

Your "God" was an illusion designed to install the New World Order. Mostly lies, even thought he actual text in the Bible does resonate many truths with the true nature of the universe.

That being has granted many of them miracles, cures to diseases, and access to vastly superior technology.

Question. What about the 5,000+ classified patents? I know not all might be related to this topic, but surely a good handful are, and could be useful today/instantly, without fear of destroying our self, no?

Answer. Destroying ourselves with technology is a very real problem. What would happen if brainwashed drones like ISIS deciphered? How many people would be murdered? What about hostage situations? They are more dangerous than you think. With great power comes great responsibility.

Question. OK fair enough that can be acceptable... but releasing free energy tech, killing inventors and suppressing tech is not an excuse, could of done that on a slow process could of at least let inventors progress

Answer. We did do it slow, and we did let the inventors take credit for the progress. Had the NWO not sided with NTE and taken control over MJ12 with the election of 2B/322, we would have released that technology. The patents all exist (TS//SCI). The product just needs to be unveiled.

Question. Understood - there are still bad actors! Would health related technology still fall into this category?

Answer. Yes.

Will cures be released in the near future? Yes.

A lot of medical technology was discovered over the last 50 years that make it nearly impossible for a soldier to die if they actually make it to the medical facility in time INSIDE one of the [MANY] DUMBs we have. That's been kept secret and MJ12 has murdered to keep secret.

Blockchain technology allows you to replicate medical technologies outside of this Cabal's control.

Yes, technology exists to correct the damages caused by vaccines…

We can fix the aging process. Not science fiction. There is more than one way to live longer.

“What if CURES already exist?”Q

All cures for disease require a segment of DNA to identify the root cause. Most non-Mil medical technology cannot fully sequence and decipher. Corporations are positioning themselves for these disclosures. How many CEOs have TS clearances?

CRISPR Explained https://youtu.be/UKbrwPL3wXE


@leecamp 04/24/18 https://t.co/rqQ0OETOsB Wall Street has now ADMITTED that curing diseases is bad for their bottom line. They say it's better for them to keep people sick as long as possible. Our society has blasted past satire on many levels. This is the latest Onion-headline-turned-reality. https://t.co/y2AMQrdeFL

End Quote.


The Majestic-12 have been on the cutting edge of disease cure research, however our corporate overlords with whom we answer to, prohibit the real cures from hitting the market because healthy people are not controllable. And the Majestic-12 is all about control.

HIV is a political virus weaponized by the Pentagon at the request of Majestic 12 while it was under Cabal control. The virus existed beforehand however the cure was discovered decades ago. The cure has been classified for National Security reasons that could jeopardize Hollywood.

US5676977A - Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices - Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US5676977A/en

Comment. Hopefully you do something very nice like cure everyone of their diseases since you did take us to the cleaners.

Answer. What are in every room on the Starship Enterprise?

Comment. Replicator technology.

Answer. Would humanity forgive the Majestic 12 if we guaranteed that every single person on Planet Earth had quick and convenient access to replication technology?

Question. Will you be able to program the replicators so that other countries can't use them to make weapons instead? Also, for the poorest of the poor, will the replicators require electrical power?

Answer. Crystal technology is used for the pattern storage. The data is encrypted and the patterns on file are limited to all types of foods. THe Crystal is synthetic.

Question. TH C #

Answer is synthetic. The devices use the scalar field and consciousness in order to manifest the food into thin air. The device focuses the thought into the quantum signature of the intended item. Think of it as a translation device. Ineffective language to language of creation. Language of creation. The console will be voice controlled.

Question. Will Replicator tech be affordable for the average person? What about people in third world countries? What materials are required to make/maintain the devices?

Answer. Look for devices in the future that look like microwaves, cost the same as microwaves, but instead of cooking food, they print food. Yes. They do exist and they are in the pipeline for public release. Not yet though.

Food Replicator technology will become as common as microwave ovens in the developed world.

We are willing to offer food replication technology in the not too distant future as a new cutting edge technology to curb worldwide hunger.

The devices will be free, many patterns will be free, special patterns created by patented technology will be sold for a price.

Question. Will replicators be available to the general public anytime soon?

Answer. Within the decade.

Question. How would they be distributed?

Answer. DIY with possible kits distributed using open source blockchain technology. Economy 2.0? Replicator would have competitor products sold as "patterns".

Replication technology will be readily available for all people to simply print what they need that would normally be sold in stores. The technology has been slowly getting disclosed, however after "The Storm has arrived" 45 tweet, Eyes Wide Open.

Scientists Create First 3-D Printed Wagyu Beef https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-create-first-3-d-printed-wagyu-beef-180978565/

'Fish fillets' from a 3-D printer could be hitting a plate near you. Would you eat one? https://www.businessinsider.com/grouper-fish-fillet-grown-in-lab-spit-out-3d-printer-2023-5?op=1

The Complete History of 3D Printing: From 1980 to 2023 https://www.3dsourced.com/guides/history-of-3d-printing/

Free Energy Exists? Yes.

Question. so when do they DISCLOSE and GIVE FREE ENERGY DEVICES to People of EARTH to stop CLIMATE CHANGE and start a new Earth Era more PLANET n BIODIVERSITY FRIENDLY.

Answer. Within the next decade. Plan's already in motion in very high levels. It takes so long due to global consciousness laws (karma). We need to ensure that free will is maintained throughout this process. If its not, we will suffer greatly. We cannot violate free will.

Question. Will the current generation of the world ever benefit from free energy technology? What about electrogravitics?

Answer. Yes.

You can travel affordably if time is not a major factor in your planning. You can travel even easier if you learned how to create your own UFO.

New flight technology will soon replace the "ancient" engine technology.

New technology, similar to that in Independence Day will soon be revealed to the public in the form of the Space Force's arsenal of utilities. The Air Force produced magnificent aircraft. The Space Force will produce mind-blowing spacecraft.

Will traditional vehicles be replaced by teleportation? Yes

We have millions of cars and electronics to replace.

US20060071122A1 - Full body teleportation system - Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US20060071122A1/en

Question. Understandable. So when do we get to see a tour of a Starship?

Answer. Probably before 2030.

Yes, we have over 500 different vessels that are capable of interstellar travel. The actual number may be a lot higher or lower than that, we can't give you an exact number because its Classified.

You forget that we have almost 100 off world bases too plus companion spaceflight vessels similar to the aircraft that would fly on an aircraft carrier. The carrier would be the vessel in this case. 500+++ of those.

Q: Will we ever travel to distant galaxy’s? A: "We" already have.

Q: Will we be aloud to use star gates when disclosure happens?

A: The plan is to have spaceports that include teleportation/ beaming technology that use some of the relative physics involved in "stargates".

Our future is amazing. We have spent decades prepping you for it so we can make a TEN THOUSAND YEAR LEAP in civilization development in under a decade. Innovation flood gates have been busted wide open. A Flood Approaches.

After-all, we are talking about transforming our society in the next 10 years into a Space Culture with Space Ports to Andromeda and AMERICA FIRST!

8/ The OLD GUARD is being systematically dismantled by the super elite Defense Intelligence Agency. A new future awaits America and it is one that includes disclosing Extraterrestrial life not only here on Earth but also on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and many more.

This is about evolving to a race capable of interstellar space travel knowing some of the dangers associated with it but how having a STRONG MILITARY can you have safety to all the people under those domains.

Focus On MilTech Congressional Oversight

No Planes = UFOs

No Cows = Replicators

No Cars = Transporters

Basic Income = Crypto Based On Information (value = Σ (sigma) knowledge)

Cause&Effect - > DECLAS tech

DECLAS tech - > No Planes

DECLAS tech - > No Cows

DECLAS tech - > No Cars

Ranking franchises with respect to their Disclosure efforts:

1.Stargate SG-1

2.Star Trek

3.Star Wars

Other Disclosure programs were embedded after the fact and not intended to be used for SSP Disclosure.

1.Stargate SG-1 disclosed the following:

  • DUMBs real purpose

  • ET life is in regular contact with US Military

  • The "Trust" are the Cabal (minus the Vatican angle)

  • US Military has several space vessels - Exotic Space Weapons

  • Medical technology unavailable to public +++more

2.Star Trek disclosed the following:

  • Nobody gets paid in the SSP for their SSP work (Cabal engineering)

  • Food replication technology

  • Hyperdimensional travel (Warp Speed)

  • How socialism is supposed to be implemented (Cabal engineering)

  • Galaxy has a few rival races

3.Star Wars disclosed the following:

  • Glorified "Jihad" against Government (Cabal engineering)

  • Worship of pure evil (Cabal engineering)

  • Galaxy is filled with rivaling races (Cabal engineering)

  • Barter is the universal form of currency (Cabal Engineering)

All three of these franchises were necessary to a certain extent during the purposes of controlled Disclosure of the SSP.

Q1730 "SPECIALIZED WEAPONS PACKAGE." The Pumped Phase-Conjugate Weapons System. How do you shoot down a missile without aiming? Explained clearly and simply. https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1y999Mt/q1730-specialized-weapons-packag/

Q: Will there be a global currency reset?

A: Yes

The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics http://www.prahlad.org/pub/bearden/scalar_wars.htm

The Tom Bearden Website https://web.archive.org/web/20220428030850/http://www.cheniere.org/

EXCLUSIVERetired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 - to beat America's rivals and get ahead of a 'catastrophic' leak https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12769109/us-army-commander-ufo-secret-declassified.html

Donald Trumps Thanksgiving Message 2023 https://youtu.be/OIO6IoJy10M https://files.catbox.moe/supjni.mp4

“We are going to show you a new world.

Those who are blind will soon see the light.

A beautiful BRAVE NEW WORLD lies ahead.

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.



“Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb). Q. A former MD’s point of view https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOxAiidn/diseases-created-by-families-

Source unless otherwise specified:



Planetary population limits of 500,000,000 is actually an effort of the E.B.E. who controlled Hitler and who controlled the United States prior to POTUS.


"Bayer loses $10 billion in value after Roundup ruling"

End quote.

The hostile N.T.E.s/E.B.E.s who will ultimately become the enemy of World War 3 (mostly an informational war, but there are real deaths and battles occurring right now) were responsible for seeding this particular type of genetic technology into society. https://t.co/PGnCZYBG3h

These entities were essentially responsible for being the Brain of the R&D efforts behind creating weapons grade "potions" capable of systematically reducing the planetary population without people noticing what they were doing at first glance. More horrors will emerge soon.

99.9% of the people involved in the actual work in creating these weapons against humanity are unaware of what's really happening. Through extreme Above Top Secret compartmentalization (the reality of why Disclosure will never be FULL DISCLOSURE) they have managed to hide.

Ever wonder why the dollar bill has a pyramid with an all seeing eye on it? That's their symbol. That symbol is known throughout the Galaxy and it is a force you ought not to reckon with.

You don't think your body isn't modified? It is. We seeded this technology into Monsanto and SOME GMO organism are designed to activate dormant regions of the brain to make it easier to receive DNA activations / epiphanies / opening your third eye / etc.

However, MOST GMO organism are purposed for population reduction. Consuming GMOs will shorten your lifespan and combined with the decreased birth rate, we may be able to lower the planetary population without violating any negative karma laws that exist.

Question. Wait, u think poisoning the humans food to kill them off is not bad karma? Really

Answer. Technically it does not violate free will. Humans have the knowledge and ability to choose not to consume that food. We make these deadly foods convenient and the negative karma induced by indulging in these poisons justifies in the grand scheme of things their early demise.

Almost 5/6 major hurricanes >= CAT 5 are engineered by a group of ETs working towards reducing the planets population without invoking negative karma upon themselves. Only works when people don't know whats going on. We want to change that. We are Majestic 12.

Weather Warfare: “Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare”https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/weather-warfare-beware-us-military-experiments

BOOM! DEW and HAARP Experiments Being Ratcheted up Worldwide – HAARP System, Illuminati’s Covert Arsenal https://amg-news.com/boom-dew-and-haarp-experiments-being-ratcheted-up-worldwide/

Weather Modification Project Reports https://libguides.library.noaa.gov/weather-climate/weather-modification-project-reports

With Operation Popeye, the U.S. government made weather an instrument of war https://www.popsci.com/operation-popeye-government-weather-vietnam-war/

Roswell beings educated Mil Intel about consciousness and how it can be manipulated and exploited with substances. Alcohol is a pushed because it calcifies your pineal gland.

Indeed. Governments have spent billions and murdered billions in their futile effort to hide the power of the pineal gland from your "temple."

Drinking calcifies your pineal gland. https://t.co/7ZDXy1yGgG

All prepared meals negatively impact your pineal gland intentionally by design by obstructing cannabinol receptors with natural flavors. Patented. Trademarked. Classified. Have you noticed the concept is being rebranded with health trends and diets? Danger ☠ (Skull and Bones).

Magnesium deficiency is a common ailment of most Cabal controlled Americans. It causes "issues" arise. This is not a coincidence.

They have you drugged by fluoride glyphosates aluminum mercury nanytes etc.

Q: Why is everyone (CNN, Putin, MJ12) suddenly talking about f luoride?

A: Because we are at a point in the awakening that we need to quickly inform the public about the dangers it poses

Landmark Fluoride Lawsuit Restarts In January: Here Are Four Reasons You Should Care https://thefreethoughtproject.com/government-corruption/landmark-fluoride-lawsuit-restarts-in-january-here-are-four-reasons-you-should-care

The Truth About Fluoride Being Revealed In Court The US Government Puts This Poison In Our Tap Water https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1726371173897027814

Fluoride On Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health! Children's health Defense https://rumble.com/v46s5yt-fluoride-on-trial-the-censored-science-on-fluoride-and-your-health.html

Q: How about the water we use for bath and shower? If we use Epsom salt in the bath, does this in any way prevent the fluoride from absorbing into the skin? I know there are special filters for bath and shower, but I do wonder about the Epsom salt.

A: The risk showers pose are the following: Volume of water used per shower makes 5-stage RO take over 6-8 hours to refill after each shower. Impractical for normal family. Single filters can remove a vast majority of contaminates but doesn't remove all. Hot water opens your pores.

A2: City water + 5 Minute Hot Water Shower = Worst than drinking a glass city water.

City Water + 5 Minute Cold Shower = Less fluoride consumption than drinking a glass of water.

Cold water reduces fluoride intake.

Fluor and fluoridation https://bibliotecapleyades.net/salud/salud_fluor.htm

NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM FINDS NO SAFE LEVEL OF FLUORIDE IN DRINKING WATER; WATER FLUORIDATION POLICY THREATENED https://fluoridealert.org/articles/national-toxicology-program-finds-no-safe-level-of-fluoride-in-drinking-water-water-fluoridation-policy-threatened/

Fact Checking The Fact Checkers: Experts Say Fluoridated Water Not Safe To Drink https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/fact-checking-fact-checkers-fluoridated-water/

2022 Fluoride Action Network Update https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2022/June/PDF/2022-fluoride-action-update-pdf.pdf

Fluoride Action Network SUING to stop water fluoridation nationwide https://newstarget.com/2024-02-27-fluoride-action-network-suing-stop-water-fluoridation.html

More Fluoride NOT benefial/harmful





“Are vaccines made intentionally to be detrimental to humans? Yes”

“13/ DARPA has been researching and developing nanotechnology for the body, specifically for military applications, though only 0.01% of these types of programs are unclassified.

14/ Vaccines are the medium used to inject these nanotechnology devices into your body.”

Vaccines Licensed for Use in the United States https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/vaccines-licensed-use-united-states

Killer Vaccines https://bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_tema.htm

ALL Vaccines Are Unsafe & Ineffective: Things You Should Know about Traditional Vaccines https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/all-vaccines-are-unsafe-and-ineffective

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History https://files.catbox.moe/y8wc7p.pdf

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm https://ia902206.us.archive.org/17/items/125pgs-dr.-andrew-moulden-every-vaccine-produces-harm_202204/125pgs%20Dr.%20Andrew%20Moulden%20Every%20Vaccine%20Produces%20Harm.pdf

Dr. Harvey Risch: The CDC Is Playing Musical Chairs to Hide Behind Their Misbehavior “It's not just for this vaccine. It's every vaccine — every adverse event has always been understated, underplayed, under-analyzed in order to support pharma as far as it could go before." https://rumble.com/v232zsc-dr.-harvey-risch-the-cdc-is-playing-musical-chairs-to-hide-behind-their-mis.html

THIS IS WHAT WE ARE INJECTING INTO OUR NEWBORN BABIES https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1666233097895964674.html

“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation https://twitter.com/CartlandDavid/status/1712751623695425764


Undeniable Toxic Ingredients In HPV Vaccines https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/undeniable-toxic-ingredients-hpv-vaccines https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/undeniable-toxic-ingredients-in-hpv-vaccines-5345343

Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discuss, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components. https://www.aapsonline.org/vaccines/cdcfdaexperts.htm

The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-century-of-evidence-that-vaccines-cause-sudden-infant-deaths/

What the data says about vaccines https://kirschsubstack.com/p/what-the-data-says-about-vaccines/


Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’ https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/05/22/childhood-vaccine-schedule.aspx

Top Yale Epidemiologist Accuses Bioweapons Industry of Exploiting COVID & Vaccines for Continued Funding https://vigilantnews.com/post/top-yale-epidemiologist-accuses-bioweapons-industry-of-exploiting-covid-vaccines-for-continued-funding/

CANCER has been routinely induced by VACCINES since 1960 https://newstarget.com/2024-06-20-cancer-has-been-induced-by-vaccines-since-1960.html

The Pentagon Bio-weapons https://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons/

Question. Wasn’t the HIV virus geoengineered in a lab then released in Africa where it supposedly originated in rhesus monkeys? It seems to be a much more sophisticated virus than one found in nature. I read that it was to be a depopulation bioweapon or was that just a conspiracy theory?

Answer. It wasn't from Earth. It was engineered for MAJIC EYES ONLY by our allies.

What about Smallpox? https://x.com/catsscareme2021/status/1755946102245695766

Q: Are you saying LGBTQ was designed for mind control?

A: And depopulation.

CIA, DoD & Rockefeller Foundation exposed as Masterminds behind Deagel.com’s eerie 2025 Depopulaton Forecast & COVID Vaccine Death Data suggests they’re right on track! https://expose-news.com/2023/09/03/deagel-2025-cia-rockefeller-c19-vaccine/

Deagel’s Depopulation Forecast confirmed by Heavily Censored Pfizer Documents https://expose-news.com/2023/12/24/deagels-depopulation-forecast-confirmed-by-pfizer/

Former Bill Gates vaccine scientist predicts sharp population decline: “up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries” https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-01-04-bill-gates-vaccine-scientist-sharp-population-decline.html

Russian General Says U.S. Preparing to Use Mosquito-Filled Drones in Ukraine https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/russian-general-says-u-s-preparing-use-mosquito/

EPA Authorizes Release of 2 Billion More GMO Mosquitoes as Reports of Malaria Surface in States That Already Released Them https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/epa-gmo-mosquitoes-malaria-cola/

Big-Pharma Industry - The Healthcare Rip-Off https://bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_industrybigpharma.htm

The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry https://bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_industrypsychiatry.htm

Folic acid bad, folate good https://cdn.videy.co/SxNVDviN.mp4

Plastic Chemicals Causing Infertility, Diabetes Found 'Widespread' In Common Food Items: Report https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/plastic-chemicals-causing-infertility-diabetes-found-widespread-common-food-items-report

THIS might just be causing your gut problems. The FDA has swept these under the rug for decades. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1743359958068998483.html

THE JIG IS UP: TOXIC OREOS LOWER LDL CHOLESTEROL MORE THAN STATINS https://thehighwire.com/editorial/the-jig-is-up-toxic-oreos-lower-ldl-cholesterol-more-than-statins/

Avoid sugars, caffeine, nitrates, GMOs, and non-organic veggies. Also clean your drinking water.

Q: Which is worse? 5G or Bluetooth 5.0?

A: Both have radiation that is harmful.

Question. “Are 5G towers designed to destroy mental and physical health while acting as a device for mass genocide? https://t.co/ 2J3ObcWzYE"

Answer. The technology was developed however the threat has been neutralized. The technology will cause major health problems but it will not be the "kill grid" that image referred to. The technology can actually target the brain in such a way that two way communication can be initiated.

All artificial radiation that is currently emitted from technology interferes with global consciousness. New technology will replace these harmful radiations. Best solution is to opt out of holding a 5G device up to your face.

The global depopulation agenda is more organized and well-funded than ever before in world historyhttps://chemicalviolence.com/2023-08-08-global-depopulation-agenda-more-organized-well-funded-than-ever-before.html

DON'T BELIEVE IN THE GLOBALIST DEPOPULATION AGENDA? THEN HAVE THE COURAGE TO READ THIS ARTICLE! https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dont-believe-in-the-globalist-depopulation

A typology of globohomo-initiated wars: Assessing success or failure by the objectives sought https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/a-typology-of-globohomo-initiated

Global Swamp How Planet Earth is being Ruined  https://finalwakeupcall.info/en/2023/09/12/who-rule-the-world/

This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/09/gary-d-barnett/this-long-plotted-world-takeover-scheme-is-more-advanced-than-any-normal-human-can-fathom/

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars Bilderberg plans https://files.catbox.moe/bkpm0u.pdf https://youtu.be/kE8ZL1PlfJc

The infernal plans of the globalist elite – which we have seen to be inherently evil – are also consistent with each other, https://twitter.com/CarloMVigano/status/1687119437902598144

Disclaimer in comment.

Saudis move off the petrodollar last week & suddenly 23 years later regime media finally decides to blame them for 9/11 https://x.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1804026560237691143

MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files

The covert intelligence group covering up UFOs: New documentary lifts lid on 'Collins Elite' - secret Pentagon group …. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12318961/The-covert-intelligence-group-covering-UFOs-New-documentary-lifts-lid-Collins-Elite-secret-Pentagon-group-believe-craft-buzzing-skies-demonic.html

Source unless otherwise specified https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf


9/11 was a movie executed by the NWO Majestic 12. The script was written years prior and the players and actors all had roles to execute. Those roles were well documented in classified briefings.

9/11 was a movie.

All lights camera FAKE NEWS!

Which exotic space weapon was used on the WTC?

Q. Given 9/11 was accomplished by the use of black ops technology of some directed energy source to “dustify” the towers and contents, it would imply Majestic 12 was involved to bring all 7 towers down. How do you justify this? How many members of MJ12 were involved?

A. At the time, 4 MJ12 members were involved in orchestrating 9/11. Technology used include Looking Glass, Time Travel, DEWs, Mockingbird Media, Blue Beam, and several other Highly Classified programs.

US4686605A - Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere - Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US4686605A/en

Space-Based Lasers https://www.gao.gov/products/117803

DIRECTED ENERGY We have unprecedented power to direct energy in a way that serves, protects and champions freedom. From powerful electromagnetics to electro-optics, we’re always exploring new ways to give our warfighters the upper-hand. https://afresearchlab.com/technology/directed-energy/


Weather Warfare: “Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare”https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/weather-warfare-beware-us-military-experiments

BOOM! DEW and HAARP Experiments Being Ratcheted up Worldwide – HAARP System, Illuminati’s Covert Arsenal https://amg-news.com/boom-dew-and-haarp-experiments-being-ratcheted-up-worldwide/

Marjorie Taylor Greene defends space laser theory in upcoming book Right-wing lawmaker writes she does not have an ‘antisemitic bone’ in her body https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-book-space-laser-b2449506.html


Why was Never A Straight Answer involved in the rerouting of the "planes" used for the 9/11 attacks?

Who gave the stand-down orders, and did they follow the chain of command?

9/11 required Bush to be in office because Gore was not signed into the programs pertaining to the stand down orders given, the actual technology used, and the money/records that were washed as a result of the damage. Part of keeping NWO legal is to destroy all evidence pertaining to the bad components of the organizations - the blackmail, the child trafficking, the snuff films, etc. Many cases and clients represented by people associated to businesses within the WTC overall ecosystem were directly involved in systematically causing illegal regime change throughout the world to somehow fulfill a prophecy given to us by our "founding fathers" to destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust. This was supposed to take place in 2017 soon after Hillary Clinton would have been confronted by the Military with evidence of treason, pedophilia, human trafficking, ritualistic sacrificing of children, and least of all pay to play and even less than that, the illegal server in your bathroom with Majestic SAP programs on it that you were selling to China/Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela/Saudi Arabia/+ many others that are beyond the current public knowledge level of her criminality. Florida and specifically Broward County played a key role in guaranteeing that Bush was sworn in as President to oversee the execution of the destruction of the WTC building because of how essential it was to establish a major shift in consciousness and at the time, take control over the Government. Bush was selected to oversee this, his lack of visual intelligence deceived many people into believing he was a Patriot. He believes he is, because he serves the NWO.

George “Dubya” say what? “He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.” https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2006/09/20060915-2.html https://twitter.com/nomandatesco/status/1652342114976694276 https://youtu.be/lSlH-MZ9J6M

George “Dubya” in classroom with kids: “Plane must hit kite steel” https://youtu.be/jrZgtUtI0m8

“Who financed 9-11? Who was Bin Laden's handler? Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?” https://qalerts.app/?q=%23307

Who is Osama Bin Laden, well it may come to shock you that his actual name is Tim Osman, or Colonel Tim Osman, a CIA asset and Mossad agent who worked with the Justice Department https://twitter.com/PunishDem1776/status/1699173098925236519

“What family was permitted to leave immediately after 9-11? Who authorized the departure? Why is this relevant? Was anyone else permitted to leave? Repeat. Why was the Bin Laden family here during 9-11?” https://qalerts.app/?q=%23118

My Account Seems To Be Nuked Today So Hopefully People See This. George W. Bush Had Texas Money Manager For The Bin Ladins Name Removed From Documents To Hide From The Public https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1714416458250498126/mediaViewer

Florida is a major state to understand when it comes to the Deep State, the Bush Cartel, the Saudi's, and interplanetary child slave trading for religious consumption to continuously feed the occult magic connected to adrenochrome.

Admiral’s e-mail on photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse: ‘Destroy them’https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/11/politics/e-mail-photos-destroyed-osama-bin-laden/index.html

U.S. Won't Release Bin Laden Death Photos https://www.rferl.org/a/us_will_not_release_bin_laden_death_photo/24091657.html

Listen to the firemen💥💥💥💥💥💥 911 was a controlled demolition. https://files.catbox.moe/pprq2z.mp4

General Flynn questions the official story of 9/11 https://x.com/Patri0tContr0l/status/1755360714762354930

Bldg 7 side by side view controlled demolition https://files.catbox.moe/vtsp81.mp4

A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7 https://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7

BBC (JANE STANLEY) REPORTS -911-WTC7 COLLAPSE BEFORE IT HAPPENS https://www.bitchute.com/video/kor6BnR0mufd/


NO PLANES - A 9-11 DOCUMENTARY BY HIBBELER PRODUCTIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/btmWIH7sa1tH/

PENTAGON: No planes CNN: No plane crash and debris at Pentagon. THIS FOOTAGE APPEARED ONLY ONCE ON TV AFTER 9/11 - AND NEVER AGAIN https://files.catbox.moe/nshskl.MP4 https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/115/588/289/playable/a42bd535b4861953.mp4 https://rumble.com/v295qf8-this-footage-appeared-only-once-on-tv-after-911-and-never-again.html

If only Mark Walsh would’ve been on-scene to explain the lack of airplane debris. https://twitter.com/realstewpeters/status/1701219265049764028

Bitchute: No plane query (Good luck in YT) https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=no%20planes%20911&kind=video

White House: Rumsfeld Interview Says Missile Hit Pentagon On 9/11

Missile Hitting the Pentagon on 911: https://www.youtube.com/watch

Hidden Video Showing What Really Hit the Pentagon: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QZMguwD5HGmE/

Pentagon Hit By Missile, Not Plane https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ib9Lt5CxYGoe

911 THE TRUTH IN FIVE MINUTES BY JAMES CORBETT https://www.bitchute.com/video/IoagvyXfUSde/

CORBETT REPORT - 911 TRILLIONS FOLLOW THE MONEY https://www.bitchute.com/video/hY1eNegdRwIW/


Where Did The Towers Go by Dr.JUDY WOOD, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. https://ia803403.us.archive.org/28/items/where-did-the-towers-go-eviden-judy-wood/Where%20Did%20the%20Towers%20Go_%20Eviden%20-%20Judy%20Wood.pdf 🫵🫵🫵🦉🦉🦉🥤🧃🥤

Netanyahu's 9/11 comment today was one of the biggest facepalm moments ever seen https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1yDgST1/netanyahus-911-comment-today-was/c/

“I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.”https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/06/27/demystifying-911-israel-tactics-mistake/

9/11 Was an Israeli Job https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/

“What I can say is that I did spend a lot of time examining the events of September 11th 2001, and came to the same conclusion as Dr Alan Sabrosky: it was a Mossad false flag operation (with complicity of elements from other treasonous agencies from many countries). Expressing this viewpoint has provoked outrage among a few of my Jewish friends, including one with connections in the intelligence community. They cannot imagine such a betrayal of trust. Sadly, I cannot change the evidence.”https://eraoflight.com/2023/10/16/its-real-at-last/

It’s pretty simple: 9/11 is best understood as a case of “triangulation”, by which two parties are drawn into conflict with each other by the invisible hand of a third party. In this case, the desired “clash of civilization” between the West and the Muslim world was triggered by Israel, 9/11 being only one operation in this ongoing strategy. Triangulation is the favored tactic of the Mossad, described by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies, on the eve of 9/11, as having “capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”[1] https://www.unz.com/article/the-9-11-double-cross-conspiracy-theory

THE SEGMENT ON DANCING ISRAELIS https://www.bitchute.com/video/91ciW6p3p6Lb/

911 Files Dancing Israelis https://archive.org/details/911-files-dancing-israelis-documentary-davapps

JoeRoganand @ComicDaveSmith highlight the startling claims made by General Wesley Clark, who asserted that the U.S. government had formulated plans to attack seven Middle Eastern countries, ultimately culminating with Iran, days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1716896127591788651

Fear is the greatest weapon in god’s arsenal. https://youtu.be/ajgqxnB6lDI;

The doctrine of hell is an evil doctrine that originated from pagan mythology, but the Roman Catholic church used it to put fear in to the minds of people only for control. It is documented that many Roman Catholic officials would charge fees for the forgiveness of sins and for the indulgence of certain sins.” https://therealgospelofchrist.com/the-origin-of-hell/

Hell Search (Logos Bible software): “No results. Check your spelling, or try broadening your query.”

New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms © 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

New American Bible 2002.11.11 https://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0839/_INDEX.HTM Each book of the Bible in this edition has an “INT” - introduction describing what it contains, authorship, dates of authorship, etc. It also has a word glossary, so if you search for the word “hell” you’ll find ONE(1) and an explanation on how that word came about and/or authorship, dates, etc.

No “Hell” word in: St. Joseph edition The New American Bible. Copyright 1992, 1987, 1980,1970 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York, N.Y. Printed in Korea

Did the Protestant Bible Exist Before the Reformation? http://shamelesspopery.com/did-the-protestant-bible-exist-before-the-reformation/

Smile, There Is No Hell (Even the Pope Says So) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/our-humanity-naturally/201803/smile-there-is-no-hell-even-the-pope-says-so

Original sin:

MEANING., Original sin may be taken to mean: (I) the sin that Adam committed; (2) a consequence of this first sin, the hereditary stain with which we are born on account of our origin or descent from Adam. From the earliest times the latter sense of the word was more common, as may be seen by St. Augustine’s statement: “the deliberate sin of the First man is the cause of original sin” (De nupt. et concup., II, xxvi, 43) https://www.catholic.com/encyclopedia/original-sin

The belief began to emerge in the 3rd century, but only became fully formed with the writings of Augustine of Hippo (354–430 AD), who was the first author to use the phrase "original sin" (Latin: peccatum originale).[4][5] Influenced by Augustine, the councils of Carthage (411–418 AD) and Orange (529 AD) BROUGHT THEOLOGICAL SPECULATION ABOUT ORIGINAL SIN INTO THE OFFICIAL LEXICON OF THE Church.[6] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_sin

Author: Jesus didn’t believe in ‘original sin’ and neither should we https://religionnews.com/2017/01/13/author-jesus-didnt-believe-in-original-sin-and-neither-should-we/

“It is not all clear which passage of the Bible the apostle Paul was drawing from to arrive at the idea of the original sin” p. 58, 83. “The Naked Bible” by Mauro Biglino

TEACHING AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH (MAGISTERIUM) The magisterium may be defined as the perennial, authentic, and infallible teaching office committed to the Apostles by Christ and now possessed and exercised by their legitimate successors, the college of bishops in union with the pope. https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/teaching-authority-church-magisterium

Magisterium and original sin https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07y8rsp


THE 'HOSPITAL HOMICIDE' OF MORE THAN 500,000 AMERICANS SINCE 2020 https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hospital-homicide-of-more-than

It wasn’t due to sars-cov2👀👁😱

Covid-19 the pandemic that never was. more info in post/thread/link comments https://greatawakening.win/p/17shvx6PuT/

CALLS FOR JUSTICE: Criminal Referral Requests Against Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and Other Public Health Officials Have Been Submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/calls-justice-criminal-referral-requests-against-anthony-fauci/



Q: Is there sealed indictments for people involved with vaccines?

A: They have committed other crimes. Collateral damage from fallouts will clean things up.

Arrest Fauci, et al NOW movement. “We The People” need to do our part. Fauci, et al murdered my brother and classmate. more in post/thread/link comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKsBS8xv/arrest-fauci-et-al-now-movement-/c/

Harvard Physicist Says Godlike Aliens May Be Creating Universes https://eraoflight.com/2023/08/26/harvard-physicist-says-godlike-aliens-may-be-creating-universes/

“There is an agreement between the U.S. government and aliens – I can not prove it, I understand it sounds like a conspiracy theory – but the understanding is that the Galactic Federation has nine elements of advanced aliens of various kinds, who have signed a contract with us to do experiments here.”

What interest do they have in us?

“There are all the resources here. There is water here in quantities that are nowhere else, there is all kinds of vegetation, all kinds of animals, the ocean.”

But as intelligence developed from us, what are we useful to them?

“We are their petri dish. They too are researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. To this day the petri dish has not been stabilized – but it is estimated that we are reaching this stage: religion accepts their existence – the Vatican has already announced it wants to baptize them; The UN has appointed an ambassador for foreign affairs (Mollan Othman – R.S.); https://www.disclosurecolorado.org/haim-eshed-yediot-aharonot-interview-dec-2-2020/

Source unless otherwise specified:


In the beginning, the Gods created the heavens and the Earth.

Reasons of National Security were the threat of ETs in Space and the power hungry Vatican essentially forced the hand of the United States through people's faith in false and dogmatic religions.

Question. so remind us again why all this was kept secret? how did it benefit humanity? what right did you have to keep it secret?

Answer. Every elected member of the Government at the time believed through their religion (and freedom of belief) that life originated by "God" in Genesis and that to propose an alternate interpretation of creation that does not include God, worldwide collapse would take place.

The story of creation has been deliberately withheld from humanity for thousands of years. Conception is a complex set of instructions the domain created to allow LIGHT beings to enter into the lower dimensions. When you die, if you walk into the LIGHT, the moment of contact you make with the light is the moment of conception where sperm meets egg. This was not easy to create. It took millions of years of development to get right. It's still being tweaked as we speak by ET races.

The original story of creation, as told by all major religions is a lie. Humans were genetically engineered by The Domain to be vessels capable of experiencing many facets of the lower dimensions in order to develop and grow the spirit.

The Domain is a multi-race organization of extremely high density beings who evolved and developed into the higher densities who wanted to build a more peaceful universe.

The species human is a carefully engineered vessel by hundreds of races who have spent millions of years perfecting the medium to experience LIGHT in.

“Gentlemen. You are the top one percent of all Naval aviators. The elite. Best of the best. We'll make you better.”https://youtu.be/p890hIa1w9k (first 15 seconds)

The Majestic Truth is all humans are a product of multiple alien species interbreeding and experimenting on reality.

The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas was sanitized by the CIA in 2016 of a book published in 1965. Will POTUS declassify full transcript? Majestic 12 classified this document. Think SG-1. CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8 https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIARDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf

The Majestic have learned that Earth is a birthplace for thousands of alien species. Many originated from Earth millions of years ago.

Earth was colonized over 4 billion years ago. Deleted question @ends_western.

Question unknown.

Answer. Replying to @ends_western About 1 billion years earlier

Who invaded Earth 8,000 years ago? Why emphasize 8,000?


Enki & Ea So Enki invaded 8,000 years ago. I'm guessing Enki was evil Sirian Annunaki LARPing as God so humans would worship him.

End comments.


How long have we been slaves to Dracos and other negative ETs? 6000 years? 25,000? 75,000? 300,000?


8,000 years.

The Vatican Archives contain artifacts that are MANMADE and are over 300 MILLION years old. Paintings. Sculptures. Books. Technology. History. Galactic Archive of Humanoid Races. STATGATE. Interdimensional Terminal. And so much more. Literally millions of artifacts.

Once First Contact is made, mainstream religion will organically dissolve due to contradicting ideologies from the reality that is created by using new physics for all.