HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only person that I have seen defend the White Americans on slavery is Louis Farrakhan.

Thomas Sowell

HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 1 point ago +2 / -1

You seem to have forgotten the key variable of death camps and genocide.

Oh and Germany didn't intent to give land back either, they did something called 'lose the war'.

HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES -3 points ago +3 / -6

He lead a machine that systematically killed millions of people in an attempt at genocide and other persecution. Also invaded peaceful countries around him killing millions more.

You can say he was a great orator, kind to his secretaries etc, but trying to equate that to anything that overcomes his incredible evil is ridiculous.

I do agree with people are comfortable with too many abuses today, and it shows you how something like the NAZI party came to exist. The line between a compassionate society and a fucked up regime like Hitler/Stalin/Mao is finer than we give credit for so lets not try to position Hitler as anything but one of the greatest evils in human history. And if anyone that tries to justify mass killing people for 'the greater good' is pure evil no matter the cause.