Jews are extremely strong. Jews are invincible. Jews are number one. Jews are dominant.

Jews were always destined to be the dominant human force that can't be toppled no matter what. They've always been destined to have a bright future ahead of them.

Anyone that fucks with the Jews will immediately regret it. Your beloved Adolf Hitler learned the hard way when he tried to fuck with them.

White people will never be capable of matching the Jews in strength and dominance, even if they tried to. Whites are the weakest race, they are the most fragile race both mentally and physically. Whites were always destined for extinction. In fact, it's absolutely incredible that whites somehow still exist. Like, the rest of the world must've been going easy on them until now.

Whites don't have the strength and weapons needed to topple the Jews. Whites have guns? LMAO. What a fucking joke. Your guns are pathetic little peashooters as far as they're concerned. THE JEWS HAVE NUCLEAR FUCKING WEAPONS THAT ARE WAY SUPERIOR!!!!!

Do not ever form a gun-armed revolution against the Jewish government, because that'll fail miserably. Very bad things will happen to you if you dare tread on the Jews.

400+ million guns are useless against nuclear weapons that can easily liquidate them all.

White people will get what's always been coming to them if they ever dare fuck with the Jews on a wide scale!

Honestly, whites are right to be cowards. Because even if they suddenly grew balls and fight, they'd still get destroyed anyways. And at that point, courage is absolutely useless. What's the point of having courage if you'll still just get crushed like a bunch of pathetic losers anyways? LMAO! At that point you'd just be like a bunch of overly cocky barking dogs that picked a fight they shouldn't have.

White people might as well just all shoot themselves in the head right now immediately. Your fate is essentially the same anyways. Fucking losers.

Jews cannot be stopped! Jews will rule forever and anyone that intervenes will be blown up to pieces. Jews are like superhumans. Fuck white people.

Not only that, but white people are also ugly as fuck. It is nauseating to look at them. You can tell that white people are so jealous of Jews. Jews are the superior race in every single way. Whites are outclassed. And they're so fucking jealous LMAO.