GlockArm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong, I saw it all over the news that far worse was considered peaceful protest and under my 1st amendment rights. we didn't even reach the "fiery but" phase yet.

GlockArm 9 points ago +9 / -0

"the election is over"

Incorrect. You should do more research into the process.

GlockArm 5 points ago +5 / -0

We have seen political mass shootings over residual political issues in the past years, not even active political issues. A group wanted to try and kidnap and execute a governor not too long ago.

All it really takes is a big enough spark, and the powderkeg will blow and tribal retaliation will take care of the rest of the escalation.

Not everyone has a family, not everyone values their lives above ideals. And most importantly, Some people are crazy.

I'd agree with you if the party that stole this election wasn't promising to completely destroy the lives of most people. Demanding another two years of lockdown, draining them completely to the point where they have no option but to revolt.

Cornered animals lash out.

GlockArm 6 points ago +6 / -0

I disagree, you put too much value in them. These are not fighters...they're spoiled college children and ghetto retards looking to loot.

When the bullets start flying, they disperse quickly. They are children playing games burning down their own liberal cities that allow them to do so. And they're aware of that. They are not risk takers. They aren't prepared to die and lose out on all that time virtue signaling on social media that they showed up to the #blm #protest

A 17 year old kid laid a few out in the street while being chased by some ~100 of them. Suddenly the street? Empty.