FortheGenerations 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is however a machine that is ground based that shoots a laser beam. "...the National Ignition Facility – home to the world’s largest laser – just did when it pulled the trigger on 192 beams of optically amplified, electromagnetic radiation-emitting light, all fired within a few trillionths of a second of each other, to deliver 500 trillion watts (or terawatts) of “peak power” and 1.85 megajoules of ultraviolet laser light.

Framed in more eye-catching terms: The NIF says 500 terawatts outpaces the entire U.S. for power used “at any instant in time,” and that 1.85 megajoules amounts to roughly 100 times what any other laser produces regularly. No wonder those two power unit prefixes (tera, mega) come from Greek words meaning “monster” and “great.” Then again, what else would you expect from a laser housed in a building the size of three football fields, or a science lab with a word like “ignition” in its moniker?" -CNN

FortheGenerations 0 points ago +2 / -2

There's no space satellites or space lasers. You're indoctrinated by Dr.Evil from Austin Powers. It's ok though

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at all the shill downvoting lmao.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indeed. This is not the place honestly I haven't posted here much it's kind of trash on the conspiracy front mostly right wing fear porn peddled. Quite lame. Here's an interesting video to check out on bigfoot and other mythical/legendary realm dwellers. It's a good channel lots of interesting topics https://youtu.be/8PpOMBhhWfA

FortheGenerations 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ignoring the novel you wrote and just responding to the title: Bigfoot I have heard at least one first hand account, person said it was fast, real fast, and you could hear it's it running it shook the whole ground made a booming sound, Seen while hunting with family, scared his grandfather so bad he hasn't been in the woods since and he'd been a lifelong hunter.

FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're correct. The retard shills here are wrong. The same accounts will pop up anytime Fe discussion appears.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ehh, fuck savmam. You're absolutely right. Common shill on this site. Keep up the good fight it's 100% flat.

FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm here Living rent free in your head. Seethe. It's verifiably flat.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep up the noble fight.. it is flat/not a globe. Shrug off the shills

FortheGenerations 4 points ago +4 / -0

Giving a noble upvote since the shills downvote literally every single FE topic raised here.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be hollow, definitely flat on top though

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

Other forums there's plenty. Too many zogshills like yourself here. Lmao.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn you're dumb. Are you changing direction in a jet? You should feel that force if you were going around a curve you would float upwards. I'm far from a beta male faggot

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

A merry go round with a diameter of 7,917 miles at one revolution per day would be traveling roughly 1000 miles per hour at the edge (just like earths alleged spin).

You can go simulate this on a large merry go round, whether you are in the center at 1 revolution every 5 seconds or on the outside will determine how much centripetal force you will experience. The further to the outside the greater the force.

Fc=mv²/r. The centripetal force is equal to mass times velocity², divided by the radius.

Is there a downward acceleration? Maybe, it's debatable. I am open to finding this truth.

The moons "gravity" affecting the tides moving trillions of tons of water daily, but I am not being flung through the air like a rag doll, tells me the model we're preached is not accurate.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the mainstream answers. They all fail unfortunately.

The oceans in no way curve.

If we were spinning at 1000 miles per hour, despite only being 1 revolution per day, the edge velocity would be so great almost nothing would be able to withstand this force, it would rip you apart. If you need to understand think of a merry-go-round, the entire thing spins at a speed, however if you are in the center it is much more peaceful compared to the outside which wants to throw you off.

Chicago is visible from 50 miles away. Go confirm like others for yourself https://youtu.be/awtnTSGkcAo.

FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0

Without a science degree I cannot do science? Lmao. It doesn't take a "special trained" scientist to do math and make observations and come up with conclusions. I have proved to myself, I can tell you how you can do the same but you just refuse or you're just a shill right?

You're the idiot for ignoring the information if you're not a shill.

Go buy the p1000 camera, go to a large body of resting water and test yourself. Repeating the mainstream flat earth debunking tag lines, which aren't even true, gives you no credibility. Have you done this?

You are the clueless one, not me.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not a bad idea I have saved this in my notes. You need a few reference points in the background you can see (specifically a water height marker for when the tides change, most cargo ships have markers as well on the side that work as a good reference also). Another thing would be determining when to activate the zoom. With a p1000 if you look at the wrong time you will just zoom into what appears to be fog, or refraction/mirage.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

No it is not that simple. Water and dirt and pollen etc will cause refraction.. some days visibility is very poor only can see about 2-3 miles, and then sometimes you can see 25-40 miles or more, much more. If there's a tropical storm nearby for example you can see stupidly far because all of the moisture and etc are getting sucked into the storm (right before and right after it passes). Cooler days are better for distance. Hot humid days are terrible usually. Eventually enough moisture in the air will prevent you from seeing any further.

FortheGenerations 0 points ago +1 / -1

they will never admit they are wrong even if they know it isn't true

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +2 / -1

✅Water at rest is level. ✅Spinning balls produce centrifugal force. ✅Air can NOT sync speeds over a moving surface. ✅Chicago is visible from 50 miles.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +3 / -2

Many cowards have committed to the legacy globe model so hard they will never admit they are wrong even if they know it isn't true

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